Opinions Please: Daily proliferation, several dealer/distributor ads,..

Good Day...I'm not looking to start a war, nor am I asking this question to cast any negative comments on one or more manufacturers and distributors/dealers that look to use Audiogon ads EVERY day or at least weekly to post a long stream of the same ads over and over again on new equipment be it Tube, Solid State or Cabling as if it were their own personal bulletin board. There are several that do this on a daily and weekly basis.  It makes it difficult to go through the "new today" and "new yesterday" auctions, classifieds, etc..and figure out what regular members and others who post one-at-a-time postings have put up that day.  

I think it would be sensible for Audiogon to consider putting up a separate "Dealer/Manucturer" Sell Forum right here on the same site that would allow them to conduct their business while keeping regular member/others' ads which we also pay money for, in a place where these ads stand a chance of showing up earlier in the list, not one page or more down after the repeating dealer, distributor and manufacturer ads are done.

The firms in question are all fine members of the forum and provide good products; I think that Audiogon should consider setting up a page for them and give regular members listings a better chance of being easily seen.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I agree.  If you are a small-time seller, your ad usually needs to be seen (and sold) within the first 72 hours or so otherwise, because of Audiogon FIFO listing system, it just gets buried under the barrage of dealer ads and the number views drops off dramatically until day 29.
I would agree but in my opinion it's fine when dealers post used or demo gear a lot of those ads are good gear at good prices. But what really annoys me and many others it seems, is the constant relisting even of used gear. As someone who scans New Today on a daily basis, I find myself seeing the exact same ads over and over. Very annoying indeed.
Thank-you to Audiogon for allowing free thought and Zephyr24069 for leadership. I just purchased a really cool sub from a private party and this was his first sale on Audiogon. The price was a bargain and I could not be more pleased. The behavior and demeanor by this first time seller was truly 10 for 10 and reminded me of what Audiogon used to be.
A story...

Years ago I was stationed on a ship in the Military called the Zephyr out of the amphib base in Coronado. Counter drug ops south of the border was the  mission and we would sail for long sometimes boring... weeks at a time. One December morning a couple hundred miles off shore in the High Seas, the cook decided to throw some aging chow over the side. First one shark, then five, then a hundred of evil ruthless man eaters appeared... even eating some of their own kind.
My point?
It is hard to even find a great deal let alone afford to buy anything decent. The dealers are so overpriced, arrogant and ruthless, they forget or are not aware some of us just enjoy and love, the hobby of Hi Fi.
And yes...strongly like Audiogon for its unique style and grace.
They claim this,-that,- and the other, when in reality, Its more fun to make your own cables and interconnects or buy used from a solid member who was just fortunate enough to acquire a new model.
I like Kurt Doslo at Echo Hi Fi in Portland Oregon. He is an educated man who actually has a real store, made out of real building materials. The exception. The dude loves music first... the gear to reproduce it is second. Also... my man out of New York making Signal Cables, one hard working engineer who would rather be honest then greedy.
Some of you long time audiogon.com members who actually know me and for some reason read this will say "Yeah but your system is a couple of hundred grand" . That may be true, but my wife will tell you... I did not start out that way and honestly, I am most happy listening to my vintage stuff out in the garage working on some old piece of crap. Truthfully, my old vintage stuff is way sweeter than the tasteless overpriced yuppie gear these dealers push on us every week. Good day.
Thank you again to everyone who responded!  If I get any replies from Support, i will let everyone know! This could all be accomplished too with filters, an even easier technique than a multi-tab visual metaphor or other technique...