Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.

To my great dismay, the more I listen, I’m finding my Oppo 105 is outperforming a very well thought of DAC and transport combination for which I paid 3x the price.  Basically the sound stage is wider and better defined.
Both the DAC and transport are less than a year old.  I thought I was upgrading.
Played by itself, the DAC-transport combo sounds great.  Until I compare it to the Oppo. 
I can’t understand it!
Not surprising as the Oppo is excellent. To best the 105 you probably should try Stereophile Class A+ DACs or the 205 from Oppo.


The Benchmark DAC 3 is about 40% less than the next most expensive and 1/10 the cost of the most expensive one. Keep your Cyrus transport as Benchmark will take any digital input without fuss (I haven’t found any cable or any input or any reclocker to improve the sound out of the box with stock cable and connects). Benchmark is popular with classical listeners.
Benchmark sounds great, but I would have to come up with the two grand.
I was already considering the Oppo 205.  They’re supposedly coming out with a new run this month.  I’ve long been on the waiting list to buy.