Oppo 83 SE wich would be best for my system vs 83


I would like to know if anyone can share with me, if the SE will be a noticable differece, or marginal over the 83.

I have a Arcam 300 reciever, BDP400 Mirage Sub, Allisons fronts , center and rear speakers. Above average. I'm using the Cambriddge -Azur 540D DVD player, actually very good picture and sound is good, not excellent.( playes NTS & Pal)

I don't need to play SACD or CD, just DVD.
and I want to use the Audio outs to the Arcam.

Question: Will I really notice the Audio sound worth spending the extra $400 or so over the 83R?

I actually not trying to save the $400, just want to know if this makes quality audio sence?

Is there any difference in DAC's used for SACD in 83 vs 83SE? If so, is there an audible difference in performance to justify the price differential? Will be using coax out for DVD's.

I believe the general consensus is that if you are ONLY using the digital out there is no difference in the performance of the two units. The upgrade with the 83SE is strictly associated with the 2 channel and multi-channel analog outputs.
04-07-10: Nglazer: Is there any difference in DAC's used for SACD in 83 vs 83SE?
Yes. The DACs for all the formats are different.

If so, is there an audible difference in performance to justify the price differential?
Yes, see http://stereophile.com/musicintheround/music_in_the_round_41/#

Will be using coax out for DVD's.