Oppo Repairs??

My trusty Oppo 105 has lost its relay circuit.  The unit draws current, but won't turn on either manually or by remote.  So the problem has to be in the relay turn-on mechanism.  

Anybody know of a service that is familiar with or work on Oppo's.  After they folded they tried to set up a repair service, but any mention of it disappeared shortly after.  Name change and still exists?  Any other repair service specifically handling Oppo among other brands.  Or general practitioner who is comfort with component replacing on a printed circuit board.  My favorite guy only handles hard-wired tube stuff.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xharrylavo

I had a BDP-83 repaired a few years ago by the OT Services group. It cost $100 to fix the transport mechanism that would not open or close. The repair took less than a week and they paid for return shipping. I would definitely work them again. 



Anybody know of a service that is familiar with or work on Oppo's.  After they folded they tried to set up a repair service, but any mention of it disappeared shortly after ...

Have you seen this?

"For customers inquiring about models designated for North America. Use this form to contact customer service in the U.S. Note that product support & product warranty/repair is handled by our service team under OT Service, Inc.

OT Service, Inc.
162 Constitution Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025