I took my AKG 7... 12? 721.... damnit. My orange AKG K headphones. :)
I heard them at the last California Audio Show in SF. The little UFO sold by Blue Coast was MUCH MUCH better, as is the X5. I invited some audiophile friends to come listen, and one happened to have owned the HA-1 and said the same thing.
To your own ears be true!
By the way, love my 103 BD player for features, convenience, cost. When I have my HT setup it's my "processor" and feeds my Halo P7 preamp. It's still hard, relatively, to my Brooklyn DAC, but not nearly as objectionable as the HA-1. If I could spring the money for a Vanity digital output board and 2 more Brooklyn's I would be in some sort of nirvana.