I am interested in this also. For me it is wanting to convert the 5.1 into 2 channel (PCM?) so i can use my Tascam DAT player as a DAC. I would never, of course, record any Great Performances or Austin City boundries. All I get now is a chatter noise when I go from the cable box to the DAT. Alot of people say there are hidden menus on the cable box but I can't find them. And no, I do not want a surround receiver.
Option to decode dolby / dts
I would like to know if there is in the market an option to decode the multichannel audio from movies that is not a proccesor or receiver?, let me explain: I use a small computer to play / store my movies. If I want to decode the audio I need a proccesor, but what I love to have is a small external device - like a dac is for regular audio- that I can run a hdmi cable and from there run rcas to my power amps (hope idea is clear), Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance