Options besides a computer for streaming


I Have a older MacBook Pro that I have been streaming tidal with thru my Lampizator dac.

it sounds very good but lately my battery want hold a charge and sometimes it want play without trying several times.

 Basically it’s old and I was considering replacing it, but then was thinking since it’s dedicated just for music playback. Perhaps there’s a better choice for similar cost of a new MacBook?

any info appreciated especially from Lampizator owners.

thanks, Scott
Node 2i. There is absolutely no reason why anyone should use a computer to stream audio.

Node 2i + NAS is all you need.


That’s what I was thinking, but haven’t been able to get it up and running just yet. 
But the transport has a streamer no need for MacBook?
If your transport has a streamer, then you wouldn’t need a MacBook or any additional device.
I would reach out to Lampizator for setup support. 
I I have it connected to my home network but can’t get it to connect to Logitech site

i have been scrolling thru the threads and one poster said you still need a server with this transport.
 I will try and ask the manufacturer 

Why not use your phone?  Even an older phone on wifi only.  Tidal will work fine.