edgewear, Deed you ever try to sell an retiped cart? As you state
you are very satisfy with retips done by Van den Hul. Van den Hul
was obviously proud of his work and made his inscription on the
cover plate. This may be seen as act of courage (aka nothing to
hide). But the owners of his carts with his retips can't sell them
because ''retips'' are considered to be inferior in comparison
with ''rebuild'' or ''refreshed kind'' with the argument of ''original''
versus ''not original'' styli. That is to say that manufacturer use their
own unique styli. This however is an myth. Manufacturer buy their
styli as do retipers by the same producer. Curiously you are
contradicting your own ''pro retip'' position by suggesting more
shapes than can be proven. On those shapes patents are claimed
as Van den Hul and Gyger demonstrate. Besides ''original parts''
imply their identification which is connected with identity . Even for
logician an difficult ''subject''.
I try to reduce complexity of identity to ownership relation because
everyone knows what ownership means as well how one can prove
to own something. This means proving one to one identity between
owner and object of ownership. Both must have their own identity.
''Subjective valuation''? The old Roman already stated ; de gustibus
non disputantum est.
Besides what sense would asked advises have?