Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro

Just curious if anyone has compared these two cartridges and what their opinions are. Thanks. Bob
Needle-doctor shows the 2M Black at $669 and the Maestro is $1000. Stylus replacement on the 2M Black is $500 and cart replacement of the Maestro is $600. The Maestro is more costly.

The Maestro has better specs than the 2M Black. Channel Separation on the 2M is 26db and > 35db for the Maestro. Channel Balance on the 2M is 1db and .3db for the Maestro. This may be due to the fact that the 2M series has a snap-on stylus assembly that can only detract from the sound. The Clearaudio has a fixed assembly much like an MC cart.
I purchased my 2M Black overseas at a much better price (closer to $500), and the replacement stylus can also be purchased at much lower price. As a tweaker, I am able to use the strengths of the 2M Black and achieve a warmer sound in my system at considerably less expense. I am not anti Clearaudio; they make some nice sounding cartridges. The law of diminishing returns comes into play when considering the purchase of these two excellent cartridges, so is the Maestro worth it? Before purchasing the 2M Black, the Maestro as well several other MM designs made my short list.

Again referring to John CrossettÂ’s review in Soundstage and a search of what others (non reviewers) say on other audio forums, it really comes down to your listening preferences in your system. In these tough economic times, I search for audio products that offer value with excellent sonics. For me the excellent Maestro does not offer twice the sonics at almost double price.

My additional makes sense, $.02
Some interesting thoughts Tayofiji. If cost is the main concern, I don't think either one of these would be the best choice. Neither one is a screaming good deal.

The Crossett review says the Maestro is the best moving-magnet he's ever heard. As you say, whether it is worth it depends on the individual and what they are looking for.
02-07-09: Onetwothreego
The Maestro has better specs than the 2M Black. Channel Separation on the 2M is 26db and > 35db for the Maestro. Channel Balance on the 2M is 1db and .3db for the Maestro.
An interesting thing is that the much less expensive Audio Technica AT150MLX has specs closer to the Clearaudio: 30dB separation and .8dB channel balance. And it has a snap-in stylus as well (available for $179.95 from lpgear.com).

You can get an AT150MLX from J&R Music World for $250 shipped.

I like Ortofon cartridges, but I truly wonder how close the AT150MLX might come to it. It certainly presents more than a taste of high end cartridgitudedness.
Thanks Tayofiji and Onetwothreego for your thoughts. My friend Jon down in Tamap Florida has the Maestro on his VPI Scout and found it to be a big step up from the Virtuoso; of course he thinks I should get the Maestro. Presently though I am using the Ortofon 2M Bronze and find it to be a simply outstanding for a cartridge priced under $400; if the 2M Black is even better it must be quite exceptional. I've seen the 2M Black for $599 and am pretty much inclined to believe that the Maestro at $1000 is worth the extra $400. As the reviewer John Crossett stated in his Soundstage review he liked the 2M Black better than the more expensive Clearaudio Maestro.