Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1

Has anyone compared these two cartridges? How would the A90 match with an SME V arm? I've just read so many glowing reviews in the press and on Audiogon that I'm curious about the A90. Thanks.

Showing 7 responses by downunder

Don't forget, if you don't set up the A90 for SRA of 92degrees it can sound slightly too smooth when parallel.

That said it aint ever going to sound like a Lyra or koetsu
Hi Albert - performance differences - hmmm, I'll try.

The lrya and koetsu introduce their own " view' of music and does it consistently to variangly degrees. Some luv what Lyra does with its lightening leading edges and speed as well as Koetsu with their fuller more relaxed tones in direct comparison. I don't think anyone can say either is neutral.

IMO the A90 is quite unique in that it is neutral, transparent and pure sounding. It seems to replicate the overall characteristics of one's system rather than introduce its own flavour.
In my system it sounds pure, slightly warm character and posses no rising MC frequency. My system is overall has a warm character. I was hesitant in buying the A90 after the Fremer review, as to me ultra neutral always had its downside of leanness and too revealing, not the A90.

OTOH the A90 has sounded in some other systems a bit lean and thin sounding. In seems by consensus to sound different in most system but always transparent,smooth and non peaky.

IMO, the A90 is a bit of a chameleon so if it is sounding lean or rolled off (assuming correct setup) you need to look at the overall voicing of the system not the A90.

great cartridge and to me brings a new meaning of neutrality coupled with musicality.
Nolitan, not to flame or anything

If the A90 is sounding bland etc, I would be looking at the system being played, not the cartridge.

Sounds like they may need to go back to their cartridges with MSG :-)
Nolitan, I was somewhat tongue in check with my comments. every system is different as well as tastes, so its a wonder we agree on anything at all :-)

If you read the UK reviews ( hifi news & hifi world) they are not all positive. one says too smooth/laid back, another says lean and bright - go figure.

Me, I have enough MSG in my system I guess I don't need anymore :-)
BTW, I have been listening to the A90 for over 10 months, so maybe I am now used to its neutrality.

Since you represent Ortofon, can you please advise what are the recommended operating parameters to ensure you get the best out of the A90.

The manual say absolutely nothing about whether the tonearm needs to be level, raised, what the SRA is supposed to be for a replicant 100 stylus, etc.

The only thing the manual says is recommended 2.3gms tracking.

I am sure all owners of the A90 including myself will appreciate Ortofon's official setup parameters

Ldorio. You have given us no help here.

Since when did Michael Fremer work for Ortofon?

I am asking you as a representative from Ortofon. Shouldn't you know. If you don't, ask Ortofon head office.

You indicate TAS screwed up the setup of the A90. Did you ask them to contact or read Fremer articles on how to set up the A90 correctly?

BTW, I own an A90.

Smoffat, very good simple idea that ortofon could do for all cartridges having the replicant 100 stylus profile.

I never said I had any problems with setting up the A90. I have read Fremers articles and it helped a lot (it seems TAS did not no?)

Out of 4 professional reviews, only Stereophile was overwhelmingly positive, which does not relate to my listening experiences. It would seem that most reviewers don't understand how to set the A90 up correctly.

I was looking for some more generic/systematic Ortofon recommendations on how to align correct SRA for the A90.
