Ortofon SPU's outdated design?

Hi folks, I wonder if the Ortofon SPU's are in fact living fossils: they weight 30+ grams each! 40 years ago maybe it was a necessity but today? Average cartridge mass is nowadays between 8-12 grams. Headshell mass is usually between 9-12 grams. I know there are still fans of this carts but they are far from being "universally applicable", in fact tonearm/cartridge matching is more difficult than with the Denon 103. I wonder if the SPU's sound totally different if Ortofon would reduce their mass to 20+ grams (including integrated headshell).

I think tonearm matching for Ortofon SPU is very easy actually...It is best with Ortofon(RMA,RMG) arms or old SME and if you want even more exotic, you can use it with FR or Ikeda!
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Prcinka, that is exactly what I mean: why does it have to be so exotic? Can't we go "normal"? Do we care so much for "tradition"? Is it (again) driven by emotion and the urge to go back to those good old times?
Marty, the SPU with the Fidelity Research FR-66S (which I also own = the very exotic combination Prcinka mentioned) sounds quite neutral, a bit soft in the treble. It is not the most dynamic or agile sounding cart. I think I can get the same type of sound with a Rega RB 900 + Grado cart.

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Chris, what Grado cart? There are quite a few options in the Grado line at varying price points. Do you think the SPU is no better than a Denon 103/R?