I love the sound of good OTLs. They have a presence and vitality that makes the music jump. With some horn systems that are a bit forward and emphasize the midrange, this quality may be too much of a good thing. I don't think AGs have that kind of horn sound so I don't see a reason why an OTL wouldn't work. Some OTL's sound a bit light in bass weight, but that is irrelevant with AGs.
The only OTL's I've heard coupled with an AG Duo was the SAP integrated (sounded quite good) and the Tenor (Tenors don't sound like typical OTLs so that doesn't count).
The only OTL's I've heard coupled with an AG Duo was the SAP integrated (sounded quite good) and the Tenor (Tenors don't sound like typical OTLs so that doesn't count).