Own many mid-game speakers or a few end-game speakers.

After I got hooked into this hobby I started to have a small collection of speakers each in the $5k-$10k ranges that have various tonal quality and unique characters from each other. It doesn’t feel one speaker is absolutely better than another and they all have their own personalities, and I quite enjoy these diversity for different type of music I listen to (or hearing the same music expressed very differently which is always fun) and I’m always tempted to add more, for example, I recently get excited about Klipsch and want to try their horns which I do not have had any experience of.

But, these things quickly add up and could become endless pursuit, especially consider speakers differ not just in response curves but also in dynamic, decay, sound stage and details that are all hard to emulate with software. I’m trying to limit the max spending I have on speakers. I’m wondering what’s the perspective of upgrading v.s. buying into more diversity in this game. A few questions I have for you is, say you have $60k in budget on speakers new/used and you have infinite rooms (no amp/source), how would you allocate it (from buying 5000 Homepod Minis to one B&W nautilus) and why?
Well, provided I were to use separates, had a preamp compatible with most amplifiers, and could afford three amplifiers, I would go with a pair of 2-way stand mounts, a panel type, and a high efficiency (sensitivity + impedance) floor stander. 
If there is no comparison from the s.q. of my speakers, before and after they has been rightfully embed, how can i trust any review of any speakers at any price?

Is speakers supposed to have a sound quality that will not transform itself, like mine did after the embedings controlled implementation, if they are not mechanically, electrically and acoustically embed?

Is a set of speakers sound the same in all room whatsoever?

For sure i suppose that costlier speakers are better than cheaper one, but is it always true, even without any embeddings controls?

Choice of speakers is very important, but how to embed them more important than even the choice between 2 good speakers anyway....

That is my experience...

I pay 50 dollars my used speakers and i will probably never upgrade them.... Why ? If i can listen clearly to the differential dynamic of wood,brass, strings and voices in the great Mass of Bruckner they pass the audiophile test...

I know that it is NOT because my speakers had this brand name instead of this another good one brand name they sound so good, it is because i rightfuly embed them first.... :)

Advertisement and buying has nothing to do with audio experience, embedding is the crux of the matter... Anybody with a little money can buy a pair of good speakers to begin with, the real work begins after the purchase, it is how to embed this good designed electronic component..... :)

How a pair of speakers can reach their optimal S.Q. possibilities at all without paying attention to isolation, resonance control, and paying attention to the general noise floor of the room, and to the acoustical attributes of the room ?

To do justice to their design they must be embed rightfully....

My best to all...

The floor standers of "Burmester 961" have all been tweaked.. They do play along and show the difference/improvement every time my front-end improves, e.g. amp bias readjustment, cable differences, x-over Mundorf bypass caps, pair selected new carbon AUDAX 512" midrange drivers for my game..., and this since their 2002 purchase!

JBL M2 Active Speakers with the JBL room correction equalizer and crown amps that are made for them 


a classic JBL Paragon that has been restored and upgraded to pristine condition: