Paradigm Reference Signature Series

Has any done any auditioning of these speakers? I listened to the S8 model and was overly impressed by the bass, whew I thought a subwoofer was in play but it wasn't. The only thing that I found was the tweeter seemed a little edgy. Anyone out there experienceing this? The cabinets are probably the most beautiful cabinet I have seen for less than 20000.00 gorgeous finish.
I began my Paradigm experience with the affordable initial Studio 100s and settled in with the version 2s for their smoother but still noticeable treble until a few years after the introduction of their S series. 

I was able to audition the early S8s at home. During that time I made very attractive offer on a pair of well used Avalon Acoustics Eidolons and was able to compare the V2s, S8s, and the Eidolons at home.

Granted the used Eidolons were more expensive but it simply didn't diminish the shortcomings of the Paradigm presentation. What this taught me is that my listening experience was limited to - this speaker has more bass or this one's treble sparkles - which is what an affordable speaker can do. I found that system dissatisfaction and the electronics merry-go-round stemmed from these speakers inability to portray music.

So when I initially auditioned the original Studio 100's next to a pair of two way Avalon Eclipse in the store the Paradigms seemed obvious choice. Wrong! You want good controllable bass? Get a subwoofer/s, I did. Frankly, there are many LPs that sound awkward with the subs on, digital hardly ever.

To put it another way the Paradigms are a three way speaker that allowed my ear to constantly hear all three ways. The Eidolons are a three way that sounds like a single source. The Paradigms sound their best at a certain loud-ish volume. The Eidolons sound wonderful at most any volume level. The staging and depth is on a whole other level. Another surprise was that much of the electronics I had upgraded from actually preformed very well with the Eidolons even though their like microscopes into ancillary equipment. Consequently, I haven't had an inkling of upgrading any part of my core system in years. 

There are a few affordable well designed speakers out there. While measurements shouldn't be the ultimate guide to choosing a speaker, in my opinion effective time and phase measurements are a must have place to begin.

Good luck with it, have fun.    
I have a pair of the Studio 100 V2 and a pair of Studio 60 V2 I think they're both great sounding speakers.  When I purchased them I actually went to buy the Paradigm Signature 100 and 60's  I let the owner of the store talk me out of it and looking back at it I think he was more concerned with price than the sound.I was not able to compare the Speakers using the same equipment so I couldn't really tell you the difference, but I'm very happy with what I purchased!
"Once both speakers were in the same room, it was no contest, really. The S8 was more detailed, and I could hear things in the music that I hadn't heard with the Vandersteens. Better imaging, and just more musical. But they did all this without being bright or brash or fatiguing (which I am very sensitive to).

The Vandersteen 3As are fine speakers, I thought the S8s were finer for the music I listen to. I'll be placing my order for a Paradigm Signature surround system anchored by the S8s this weekend. Guess I've gone Canadian".

Funny, as I recently had the opposite occur. I've been using Paradigms for 10+ years, so as I went to upgrade my speakers for the first time since 94, I immediately listened to the new Paradigm Sigs. Liked them a ton, beautiful to look at as well. Then, at another dealer listened to the Vandersteen 3A Sigs, and these are what I now own. I'm a 2 channel guy first, and these just sounded more musical to me - never been as emotionally involved to the music while listening as I am with these.

I think both are great choices, the Vandersteen being less $$ and more musical to me though.
I have heard the 100 v.3 next to the S8 with the same electronics. They both of course, sound wonderful. But the S8 to my ear was meatier, with better low end definition, and tremendous high end detail (these had been broken in very well at the dealer). I must say that I am now trying to find a way to get these into my house. I am a Maggie addict, and never thought that I would commit the sacrilege of buying "box" speakers, but I MUST HAVE THEM! I was about to buy some Maggie 3.6R's, which my lovely and talented wife will tolerate since they can be slid behind a decorative screen. What I am going to do with the Signature S8's I have no idea, but I am formulating a plan. Great speaker, and I hate box speakers. For he price, it's just a rediculous value. Similar to Vandersteen's in that you just can't believe they don't charge more.
Has anyone heard ther new Studio 100 V3 and the S8??can anyone make comparisons between them??
I have a pair of S8 they take a long time to break in easy to drive very open and can play very loud have not used with tubes yet will let you know
Details, specs and prices for the Paradigm signature series posted on

Also a pretty good thread on AVS Forum.

I just spent bunch of time auditioning the Paradigm S8s as an upgrade to my venerable Vandersteen 2C's and $35 garage-sale Technics receiver. I wanted to be able to do HT, but whatever system I bought had to be able to do music well first, and be competent at HT, as well.

Found a brand-new Anthem AVM-20 and MCA-50 at 20% off, and went ahead and made that big plunge without doing a lot of thinking about it. I had heard it and found no obvious flaws--I'd rather listen than spend hours researching equipment. The AVM-20 is incredibly flexible, capable and built with good hardware. Of course, it helps that hubby is an electrical engineer to help me decipher the lingo (we mechanical types tend to get impatient when the different video formats are explained---S-video vs component vs. composite---huh?).

Anyway, the system with the 2Cs and the Anthem equipment is sounding better than ever. The Anthems appear to meet my needs for music and HT for the foreseable future. And the AVM-20 software can be updated over the Internet--nerd heaven!

My point, and I do have one. Back to speakers.

I love my old Vandersteens, so I auditioned the S8s against Vandersteen 3A signatures, which continue to get glowing reviews.

Finally got the dealer to put both speakers in the same room using the same electronics I now have. All I could tell from going between rooms with differing acoustics is that the two systems were different, and both were fine speakers, but which was "better?"

Once both speakers were in the same room, it was no contest, really. The S8 was more detailed, and I could hear things in the music that I hadn't heard with the Vandersteens. Better imaging, and just more musical. But they did all this without being bright or brash or fatiguing (which I am very sensitive to).

The Vandersteen 3As are fine speakers, I thought the S8s were finer for the music I listen to. I'll be placing my order for a Paradigm Signature surround system anchored by the S8s this weekend. Guess I've gone Canadian.

As an engineer, I am also appreciative of the the analytical engineering effort that Paradigm seems to put into their systems.

Other systems I listened to? B&W (which I have never liked, for some reason. Very competent, but . . . ) and Sonus Faber (incredibly fatiguing), JM Labs (not bad, but . . .) and Infinity Prelude (which seemed to sap the life out of the music).

Long answer to a short question, but yes, definitely worth a listen.
S7horton, they were using a Yamaha DVD player and a Anthem pre/pro with Anthem amp. I am sure the Yamaha contributed to the tweeter bright harshness. Why an audio shop would choose to demo a 6000.oo speaker with 3-400 dollar source component, baffles me.
Actually I've heard them and they sound much more refined than the studio series. I heard the S8's and the S2's and they were on par with speaekrs in the same price range...easily. Plus in Bird's Eye Maple they were incredibly beautiful. The s2's are a steal at their price as they sounded as god as the signature 805's I heard and better than the nautilus 805's I owned.
As far as the tweeter goes, it may have needed a little break in. Paradigm can sound bright before proper break in. Also, any idea what the associated equipment was? I have not heard them, but can't wait. I'm a huge paradigm fan!