Thanks for your input - I noticed that I omitted the full description of the speakers in my original post, they are Klipsch Reference 7 II. About 80% of my listening is movies sourced by an OPPO BDP-93. Leaning towards a Marantz processor to replace the B&K Reference 50. The MAC MX121 would be nice but I'm a bit hesitant to spend 6K on something that may be obsolete in a year or two.
Parasound A51 or Mcintosh MC205?
I have 2 Adcom's 5802 & 5503 that are connected to a Klipsch Reference II system. I'm looking to replace the Adcoms and go to a 5 channel amp. The Parasound and the Mac are on my list. I also have a B&K reference 50 that I also plan to replace with a new processor (maybe Marantz). Any thoughts on the Amps?