Pass INT 60 vs. Accuphase E-650 for music

Hello guys, I need some advice.
I have loved pre-power combo all my audiophille life, but I looking to pare down to SS integrated.
I have the opportunity to buy either a Accuphase E-650 or Pass Int 60 for nearly the same price, the speakers are Avalon Ascendant, source is an Accuphase Dp 430 CD player. (not looking for other recos). 

Has anyone had experience hearing Pass INT-60 against Accuphase E-650 class A amplifiers?
What I read on other threads,
The E-650 rich, beautiful mids and high, loads of detail, open sounding. The INT 60 smooth, rounded sound, and controls of the speakers from a bass Perspective.

Thanks any personal experiences and suggestions
I have an E650 which I love....before it was a Pass XA30.8...Can't be much help with the Pass integrated, but I do love the one box solution. Think I may even sell this one and take the leap for the new E800...They are beautiful pieces...expensive but built to last, and gorgeous  sound. 

@brrgrr,  I bit worried about the heat from Pass, (specs.: 53 deg. C). What about the E-650, and how much is the warm up period?
They both run warm , but nothing that concerns me....warm up time isn't a huge concern as well...sounds good at the turn on and just gets better...a glass of wine may alter my judgement tho...((

I have used the INT60 for loudseaker voicing at Aluminous Audio. The INT60 is one of the best sounding amplifiers we have ever had the pleasure of testing. It did everything so well. An overall description of the amps sound is "open." The music sounded unrestricted and just flowed out with a lot of space between instruments and voices. Highs were silky, and the bass was rock solid.

I have not tested Accuphase on the same system but I have read that its sound is on par with the Pass Labs gear. 

Best wishes with your choice, either should be a winner for your system.