not really sure why you’d be throwing the ’fanboy’ slur around.
I was a big fan of Nelson with Threshold (bi-polar), but not so much with complimentary push pull Mosfets Pass Labs, as the P channel Mosfet always let them down big time for current delivery, but fine for easy to drive speakers, I tend to like ones that just happen to be pigs to drive Wilson Alexia etc etc
But there have been a couple of Mosfet amp manufacturers lately that have used only the N channel mosfet for both the complimentary push pull pairing, and they get just as much current from those as big bi-polars like the old Thresholds gave and today Gryphons. Agostino, Krell etc etc. I’ve yet to hear any of them, would love to though.
One is the Constellation Audio power
" Instead of the usual push-pull arrangement of N-type output transistors for one half of the waveform and P-type devices for the other half (each of which has somewhat different performance characteristics), within each Centaur Mono are a pair of carefully matched "floating" (ie, not referenced to ground) amplifiers, both using only N-channel MOSFETs. (There are eight transistors on each half-bridge, for a total of 16.) One amplifier is fed the balanced signal’s negative phase, the other the positive."
And this is what it did on test, and it a Mosfet!! (but only N-Chanel push pull)
520W into 8ohm
830W into 4ohm
1210W into 2ohm
Cheers George