Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


XP32 Pre / XP27 Phonostage with a pair of XA 60.8 monos with Wilson Maxx 2s. Very satisfying to listen to - tonally very well balanced and musically engaging.

Depends greatly on which Pass amplification one has. 

The XA25 amp which has is the best sounding amplifier I have ever owned and heard could put together a forever system with some refined higher efficiency speakers like the Volti Audio Razz or Rival.  

Anything higher in the pass range and it opens up a whole other world of speakers but may not sound any better.  

X250 with Aerial Acoustics 7B or Wilson Audio W/P 6. Both speakers sound great with the Pass.



tank - manowar -internal bleeding?\

trust my intuition?

anyone want to rub ice cream on me ?



I have two systems. My “second system” has evolved to becoming my favorite.

Linn Akurate DS w/ Katalyst (DAC plus Streamer) feeding into a Pass Labs two box XP-20 preamp into a Pass Labs XA-30.8 Class A amp into Spendor D9 speakers. Love, love the sound at all volume levels. Also have a Rega TT station but plan on upgrading that someday…