Pass Labs vs Mark Levinson vs Parasound - best 2 channel amp used under $2,500?

I am in the market to to replace my dead Chapter Two ss amp.  My system includes a SAS Audio tube preamp, Metronome tube CD player, Oppo Blue Ray, Talon Raven C speakers, Saturn dual 12" sub, Integra AV processor, Eastern Electric tube phono stage, and several turntables.  The new amp will power the front channels (Talons) for HT and also for dedicated 2 channel listening.  I haven't figured out how to run both preamps yet so likely the amp will reside in my HT system and when I want to platy records I'll have to switch cabling.

I would prefer an A/B amp over class D with at least 100 wpc.  My last amp provided 300 wpc.

I listen mainly to jazz and vintage rock.  My listening room is roughly 25' x 35' x 12' with rudimentary acoustical tweaks (will work on refining).  I want a grain-free, natural sound with a  deep soundstage.  I am open to any amp but want to stay with established brands, as i have in the past purchased off brands  that have performed well but don't hold their value or can't be repaired (like the Chapter Two).

I will eventually replace the preamp/processor and would love opinion son an appropriate pairing with the amp you suggest.

Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I own Bryston 14b cubed I would match that against all three . Hands. Down for me ,Bryston . These amps are like splitting hairs M
I got the 14b3 last summer and its a remarkable amp. It bests the 14bsst I had in smoothness. The first note I played I noticed it came out of a dark background.