Pass Labs vs Mark Levinson vs Parasound - best 2 channel amp used under $2,500?

I am in the market to to replace my dead Chapter Two ss amp.  My system includes a SAS Audio tube preamp, Metronome tube CD player, Oppo Blue Ray, Talon Raven C speakers, Saturn dual 12" sub, Integra AV processor, Eastern Electric tube phono stage, and several turntables.  The new amp will power the front channels (Talons) for HT and also for dedicated 2 channel listening.  I haven't figured out how to run both preamps yet so likely the amp will reside in my HT system and when I want to platy records I'll have to switch cabling.

I would prefer an A/B amp over class D with at least 100 wpc.  My last amp provided 300 wpc.

I listen mainly to jazz and vintage rock.  My listening room is roughly 25' x 35' x 12' with rudimentary acoustical tweaks (will work on refining).  I want a grain-free, natural sound with a  deep soundstage.  I am open to any amp but want to stay with established brands, as i have in the past purchased off brands  that have performed well but don't hold their value or can't be repaired (like the Chapter Two).

I will eventually replace the preamp/processor and would love opinion son an appropriate pairing with the amp you suggest.

Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Which brand AS1200 did you get?
I’m looking at Nord, Apollon, Mivera. 
I own Bryston 14b cubed I would match that against all three . Hands. Down for me ,Bryston . These amps are like splitting hairs M
I got the 14b3 last summer and its a remarkable amp. It bests the 14bsst I had in smoothness. The first note I played I noticed it came out of a dark background.