Pass Labs XA30.8

Hi all,

I had the opportunity to audition the Pass Labs XA30.8 at a dealer was really like the whole presentation - huge,deep soundstage with great depth.

My preamp is Simaudio Moon 390. I am wondering if anyone here is running this combo - Moon 390 with Pass Labs XA30.8s.

My speakers are fairly efficient (92.5dB).

While my current combo (Moon 390 preamp and Moon 330A power amp) is great, the presentation is a little in your face. It feels like I am sitting in the front row with the band right in front. I want a more laid back presentation and hence the mind flirtation with the XA30.8s :)

Appreciate any input if anyone is running this exact combo. Please note I am only looking at XA30.8s and not the X series or any of their Class A mono blocks.

I don't have the exact match but it is pretty close.   For 5 years or so I ran a 740P + 380DSD into a X250.8.   I think it sounded great; very musical with lots of front to back soundstage depth.   I went from a 600i integrated and it was like moving back a decent number of rows in terms of detail retrieval when I added in the Pass amp and separate SimAudio preamp.  The soundstage depth also exploded with a very nice 3d like presentation.    Based on my results and your suggested preferences, I would think that would be a killer combo.  I'm actually tempted to try an XA30.8 against my 250.8 as my current speakers no longer need the muscle of the big Pass.


Hi have the Firstwatt J2 and thinking to going up to the 30.8. I hear it will be just a little bit more dynamic and snappy
If you’re open to tubes I’d take a look at ARC amps.  Over on eBay there’s another great Class-A option in the Valvet A4 at $3995, which seems like a good deal and would likely also deliver the qualities you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 
Hey sim_audio_nerd

I am sorry, I do not have your Moon 390 preamp, I use a PS Audio BHK Signature preamp with the XA30.8 and I absolutely love it. You should know something about me as an audiophile. I’m very picky. A friend of mine owns a hifi store so I’m very fortunate, he sells me stuff at his cost. If I buy a product and I don’t think it’s great, I’ll sell it within one year. Because I get to buy things a true cost, I’m not afraid to try products that have received rave reviews that he may not have in his store. There are a lot of products out there that get rave reviews that I find good but rarely are they great. If I don’t find it to be great after it’s fully broken in, I’ll sell it. I only keep what I consider great. I still can’t believe how great that amp is. I’ve had 4 or 5 different preamps in front of that amp and at least 4 or 5 different pairs of speakers connected to it and it always sounds so musical. It’s so good, I have no desire to try anyone else’s amp. 

With regard to needing efficient speakers, doesn’t matter. I’m using Eminent Technology LFT8B speakers (which I love) and they are 83db and that XA30.8 drives them effortlessly and always remains so musical it’s not even funny. That amp is all power supply and will drive just about any speaker. In my opinion, Nelson Pass builds some of the best sounding solid state amps out there. For me, a good tube preamp with some good vintage nos tubes from the 50’s or 60’s and the XA30.8 are one of the most musical sounding combos you can get. The XA30.8 is phenomenal! Hope that helps.
