Passive intergrated Amps

Sorry if this has been discussed before...

A lot of my friends here in London have a simple 2ch, which they use for CD replay only. We tend to spend about £1000 to 2000 on the entire system (Arcam/Creek/Linn etc) I was wondering if anyone made a 'passive integrated' (i.e. no pre amp gain, etc, just an attenuator) obviously accepting only line level inputs (most of us hook up only a CD anyway)

Not having a needless headphone circuit would be a plus too.

Anyone heard of such an animal?

Check out the Acurus DIA-100 and 150. They can be had for very good prices and are good bang for the buck.
They ARE integrated with a passive pre.
Happy Listening!
integrated creek amplifiers is nothing else but passive volume control and the power gain stage.
Marakanetz, thats true for some Creeks, but, not all. It depends on the vintage. I'd suggest checking the archives on this subject.
Densen B-100 I think fits your description. In any case it's a nice sounding amp.
Why worry whether the integrated is passive or not ? Just buy the one that sounds the best.
I forgot about the Densen. Although I never had the chance to hear one, I always thought they looked cool.