Pathetic range of Topping remote

On one of my systems I have a Topping DX3pro+.  The remote seems to have about a 6 foot range which makes it just about useless. I have seen comments this is sop for topping.  How does SMSL and RME do in this regard?   

Yes, I can do repeaters etc. Shouldn't have to. Yes the batteries are new. I was considering a Do300 for a couple of features in this system.  RME probably overkill but maybe for a different sys.


Aside from SQ, Topping's (even the higher end model like D90 variation) menu and operation is primitive / inconvenient and the remote is notorious.  One needs to point directly to the unit within, say, 6-7 ft in order to activate it.  Almost all the models prior to E70 Velvet sound analytical and flat without much SS depth. I had its entry-level models E30 and E50 but sold / return them both.  I also return E70 Velvet because of its poor remote control.

I see one SMSL advertising the remote works over 9 meters.  I gather than means they understand the problem and choose poor performance on other products. 


@soix, great recommend, but the mfrs’ names would drive spouse (and self) beyond distraction....

She’s already of the opin that remotes are some sort of plot to foment the loss of  control over household objects....and I really can’t argue with that, even if an overt overstatement...

Case in point: 3 remotes; one for the flat screen, a 2nd for the DirecTV box, and the 3rd for the mini-fi audio that supplements the screens’ lame speakers...

As bad a ritual as finding, the prep of an LP for play, playing it, repeat for B side, restore to sleeve and stashing...

And haven’t even mentioned ’lighting up’ the kit to play either through it...which is why beloved sig other wants her own ’plug n play’, a novel novelette unto itself....

Reality: "Who dealt this mess, anyway?!" *L*