I love that airplane. It is the best looking aircraft ever made. The DC 6 was so bland in comparison. The 1st Air Force 1 was a Connie. Eisenhower's Columbine II.
It is harder to be a pioneer now. Advancing technology has become so much more complicated than it was at the end of the 19th century. But they still exist. I believe most of us would call Elon Musk a pioneer. Perhaps visionary is a better term.
Anyway, getting this emotional over the Perfect Path Technologies eMat is pretty silly. The only effect it has is on the minds of the people who were foolish enough to spend money on it. Such is the mythology of audiophilia nervosa. I understand Pfizer is researching a drug for this rather common condition. I gave them Audiogons web address as a source for study subjects.
It is harder to be a pioneer now. Advancing technology has become so much more complicated than it was at the end of the 19th century. But they still exist. I believe most of us would call Elon Musk a pioneer. Perhaps visionary is a better term.
Anyway, getting this emotional over the Perfect Path Technologies eMat is pretty silly. The only effect it has is on the minds of the people who were foolish enough to spend money on it. Such is the mythology of audiophilia nervosa. I understand Pfizer is researching a drug for this rather common condition. I gave them Audiogons web address as a source for study subjects.