Don't let this mad devil get to you mahgister, he is arrogant beyond belief and incapable of any thought other than how to insult everyone else while aggrandizing himself.
He misses everything we love about music. Notice he never, ever talks in terms of how things sound to him. Anyone like you, me, Frank, anyone good at listening, that is how we talk. We talk about how it sounds. How it sounds in our rooms right here in the real world. All the arrogant clown ever talks about is how it can't because, reasons.
Listeners like us, we learn what we can, buy what we can, build what we can't buy. But mostly we try and listen, throw out what doesn't work and keep whatever does. Regardless of what it was or who said it or how big a degree they have. If it sounds better we do it. If it doesn't we don't.
Here we are enthusiastically engaged in the pursuit of better sound, and we have the temerity to judge our success at getting better sound by.... enjoying the better sound we get. Sound his tin ear can't even hear. No wonder the poor man is seething in rage all the time. So relax. Let him go. Not worth your time. Certainly not worth mine.
He misses everything we love about music. Notice he never, ever talks in terms of how things sound to him. Anyone like you, me, Frank, anyone good at listening, that is how we talk. We talk about how it sounds. How it sounds in our rooms right here in the real world. All the arrogant clown ever talks about is how it can't because, reasons.
Listeners like us, we learn what we can, buy what we can, build what we can't buy. But mostly we try and listen, throw out what doesn't work and keep whatever does. Regardless of what it was or who said it or how big a degree they have. If it sounds better we do it. If it doesn't we don't.
Here we are enthusiastically engaged in the pursuit of better sound, and we have the temerity to judge our success at getting better sound by.... enjoying the better sound we get. Sound his tin ear can't even hear. No wonder the poor man is seething in rage all the time. So relax. Let him go. Not worth your time. Certainly not worth mine.