Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit

I also do lighter roasts. In addition, I make my brews lighter too. If coffee is brewed too strong, all of the wonderful nuances are lost. The brew has to be just right in order to really enjoy what fine coffee has to offer.

So who cares what anyone said on the Phone !!
Did anybody see machinery, manufacturing, or a real production line ?? 
Perhaps a few Pictures... real or not. So we have no Technical paperwork, UL testing standards, Manufacturing detail, patents or education....I'd sooner put my faith in China.
Why would one need UL testing standards for a mat? It simply sits wherever you place it.
Obviously, there is some form of production line, since there is production.
I do not believe any impressive machinery needs to be implemented in the mats production. Its a mat. Pair of scissors and a paint brush?
Many products come with no technical paperwork.
Also, many products are never patented.
As a matter of fact, many products offer none of the above.
Doesn’t make them sham products.
Post removed 
1971gto455ho >>>

1. No machinery necessary. The material can be purchased on the Internet. It is the same magnetic material used to make refrigerator magnets. The "secret" lies between the mat and the label. The mat is only a vehicle to carry the SECRET formula that was being used.

2. Yes, there was a production line. It consisted of folding tables in the basement of the seller/inventor’s house. Genius prevails no matter what. Hey, even Bill Gates started in his garage, right?

3. Pictures? I had a lot of pictures sent my way via my phone. They are long gone at this point. Besides, there’s no facility on A’gon to post pictures in these forums.

4. Technical paperwork? What for?

5. UL Testing? Why? There is no current flowing through the mats. They don’t plug into DC outlets.

6. Manufacturing details? Yeah, sure. 15 years of research put into the product, and you want to know how they are manufactured and all of the details of the formula needed to make them work? Call me crazy, but I really don’t think Tim or Krissy would have wanted you to have the information. No offense - nothing personal.

7. Patents? I think some A’gon members did the research and came up with two patents. Their findings are located somewhere deep in the PPT threads.

8. Education? Bill Gates dropped out of school.

9. China? Does China offer a 60-day, no-questions-asked return policy on anything they manufacture??

10. So you have "faith" in China? Really? Okay, I have a world-wide pandemic I’d like to sell you.

It looks like this thread devolved into other PPT products, which my have spawned this comment.
Ah, thank you. My assumption and response was of course for the titled product.

When Tim and I spoke and exchanged ideas and suggestions after 30 mins. or so he would become tight lipped and suddenly have to go. 
After I sent this link to Tim may have been the last time we spoke words, after this only texts. And then suddenly one day Krissy responded saying he was gone I had no clue he was even ill. I know Tim freaked when I sent him this link. Not sure of its importance to him but it made a big his expression and the texts we then exchanged.
I’ve seen videos of the Perfect Path people making this stuff in an assembly line. yes it’s boutique, as in a small mom and pop, but its legit and works wonders on my system. 

Different materials make different sounds but of course you need to have ears and not numbers for your mind and body to recognize such differences. Some make take offense and please do. Tom
You’re right about the ears, Tom. A lot of the most prolific posters here don’t have them. This frustrates them no end, and they go and take their anger out on the rest of us.

Please don’t go posting links like that. Not that any of the wanna-bees around here will get it or figure anything out, that won’t happen, not in a million years. But this is the interzones where anyone can find it, and we like the way things are going just fine so let’s not screw it up, okay? She will get there when she’s ready, I have no doubt of that.

As for what and why, I already wrote a very informative post on the subject. It was completely disregarded, as I knew it would be. The one who knows got it, and that is good enough for me. The rest were left befuddled, and so much the better. That is their natural state anyway. Let us not even try and enlighten them. They won’t take the hand that is offered. They won’t understand even if they do. And no one appreciates anything given for free anyway.

They can earn it, just like we did. Until then, let them remain in darkness.
Papa bear >>>

Right...I do see the alikeness of Bill Gates almost autistic electronic brain and PPT products. 15 years research some sourced refrigerator magnets in a sandwich with 'Secret' sauce, that should do it !
When referencing China, I was alluding to the quality of the products that have emerged from there. Evidently the country only found its way into your worldly repertoire when the pandemic reached your doorstep.  

’I also do lighter roasts. In addition, I make my brews lighter too. If coffee is brewed too strong, all of the wonderful nuances are lost. The brew has to be just right in order to really enjoy what fine coffee has to offer.’
I haven’t seen this said before, but I find it true in my case also.
And thank you again for the tip on the PPT TC.
MC ...

That first video reminded me of my first sip of a friend's home-roasted coffee. The person I bought my speakers from asked me if I liked coffee. I told him that, yes, I buy the best. At the time I was having  Gevalia coffee home delivered on a regular basis.

My friend quickly informed me that in comparison to home roasting, Gevalia was pure garbage. He sent me a quarter pound of four different varieties that he had recently roasted. Well, from the first sip, I knew what I had to do. So, I found this site, and have been a customer for years now:

Once one learns to home roast, it is like going from the crappy digital of the 80s to recordings from the Golden Age that used tube mics.  It is like going from Scoresby blended scotch to a fine single-malt. 

The price is right too. I probably spend an average of $6.50 per pound for the green beans. I wait for "Tom" at Sweet-Maria's to list beans that he ranks at 90 or better before I buy. Of course, there's the initial expense of the roasting equipment, but once you have it, it is clear sailing after that.

This is the roaster I would recommend.

It has a smoke filter in it so that you can roast in your kitchen instead of out on the patio like all of the others. I have to warn you though ... the green beans last for years if properly taken care of. So, like vinyl records, one seems to accumulate a lot of different varieties. Right now I probably have around twenty pounds of 90+ rated green beans in the pantry.

Here's the brewer I would recommend. Get the large one.

Also, you would want the metal filter for the brewer. It is easier to clean and lasts a long time. Plus there is no paper filter involved to affect the taste of the coffee:

  marqmike   >>>
  • "I haven’t seen this said before, but I find it true in my case also.
  • And thank you again for the tip on the PPT TC."

    You're welcome. TC was an amazing product. Too bad it left us when Tim passed. 

1971gto455ho ...

Try to be nice. Your input will go a lot further here and will be looked upon as having a lot more credibility if you refrain from knocking products that you know nothing about and have never tried for yourself.

Oops I poked the bear now I’ve to feed a dish of fabricated Audio nuts and bolts to satisfy the ferocious appetite. I’ll be nice charging little as there’s plenty of product to fill that dish. 
Cheers folks 

I am pretty late to this discussion,but does anyone know of the Emat's are being produced anywhere?  Moonkrikit said they had mats with different labels, and I missed the PPT train but was hoping to find some of their products, or something similar? 

Any help is appreciated.


how many do you want? I have liquidated a second system and have some available...let me know how I can help you...Mooncrikit

eMats were good for what they were, see my review. There's way better stuff now though. 

@rgs461 : Perfect Path Technologies has been out of buisness since Tim Mrock's passing several years ago. I do see the mats come up for sale used on this website and US Audiomart from time to time.

If you do get the mats make sure they are the PLUS newest ones. BIG difference between original and plus.