Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
You are right it takes me 5 years to buy the right components...

But it is more difficult to learn how to embed the system than to buy the right one...

It is the reason why most people want to upgrade unsatisfied without even knowing what their system can do at his peak potential working...

I know it takes me many years to know how sound my own system.....Installation is the key....

My greatest discovery is that it is not necessary to buy costly tweaks either.... You can create them....

i sell creativity not products or design upgrade....

My best to you.....
I started in hifi back in the 70s on and off to various degrees. ~ 2008 I decided to get serious once and for all. Got some good advice here and learned a lot. Took a couple years to get it all right....right gear set up right to meet my expectations. I still dabble with things just to make sure I’m not missing anything of value to me in regards to my hifis.  Technology always moves forward and improves over time.  Harvesting its fruits effectively is always the trick.

As they say YMMV. That’s the only real truth perhaps in this whole crazy hifi world.

Agree that the key tweaks need not cost much, sometimes nothing. But again that’s just me. YMMV.

Mapman rule #1: Don’t buy anything unless you have a clear idea how it works and how you will apply it and why. My professional career has always been with various applications of technology so I am comfortable with that, but of course again as always, YMMV. Live and learn!
I am OK with your rules...but i dont buy any tweaks and i dont need to....

But i was desperate some 3 years ago....

My gear was fine but i was not in love with my system...

I begins to experiment, with vibrations controls, electrical grid noise experiment, and acoustic....

In 2 years with experiments each weeks i create some controversials devices but they all worked for me at a variable level....

My last one is a room tuner....

I am very proud of my device: in particular my grid of linked and modified Schumann generators, my "Golden plate" and my last one i like it a lot... The Helmholtz-Fibonacci organ, 3 set of 3 bricks with 3 plumber copper pipes adjusted in lenght with the golden ratio(1.6)

Cost peanuts and clean the sound across the frequencies range....2 sets of pipes are chosen relatively near one another in lenght the last set is more afar with these 2...

One set behind my 2 listening positions, and one set laterally located a few feet near the speakers...

My ideas are free to experiment with....Save for the clowns that will say that they dont need to verify by experimenting just to look at is enough....😁

My best to you....
As everyone knows, you can find other places on the internet (and threads here) where people will mock others for claiming that they hear differences in amplifiers, dacs, cables, and power cords. Basically everything besides speakers...

It’s really all about where you draw the line, and whether you’re willing to experiment with things just over that edge. If you go far enough back, you can find some post of mine citing expectation biases and discussing how it’s just impossible for different power cables to change the sound. I mean, they’re before the amp’s power supply!?!? If it’s actually correctly installed, and providing AC without limiting current, how could different cords possible influence the sound??

Well, one day I gave a different cable a shot and damn, it turns out my knowledge of how music reproduction worked wasn’t sufficient to guide me in this domain, because it really did make a difference.

Like @audio2design, I’ve taught about expectation biases. I did so in top research universities and even have an international "paper of the year award" for a theory about how expectation biases work to change judgement, behavior, and motivation.

But while expectation biases nicely explain why "fancy" looking cords sound better, they don’t do so well with the fact that I heard these cords sound worse than stock on one amplifier but better than stock on another. And they really didn’t help my experience that I could iterate through different power cords with any given piece of gear and hear each push the sound in different directions, liking certain cords on some gear, but not on others.

Yes, expectations shape everything, but so do physics. It’s hard to differentiate the two, and almost completely irrelevant to do so if you’re only working on a single system built for your own two ears. Try things and choose what sounds better is a pretty simple decision rule and doesn’t require anything but experimentation and listening.

Yes, expectations shape everything, but so do physics. It’s hard to differentiate the two, and almost completely irrelevant to do so if you’re only working on a single system built for your own two ears. Try things and choose what sounds better is a pretty simple decision rule and doesn’t require anything but experimentation and listening.

Thanks for your interesting posts and experience....
i am happy to read other post than attack against people experience or gear....

Personally i never tried to prove anything, except for myself to give a better audio experience....Only listenings experiments could do it for me...

it is not necessary to wait for upgrade money nor to a scientific explanation that are not always easy to find in specific case anyway to begin experimenting and listening....

I think it would be pretty absurd to invoke expectation bias for being the ONLY explanation about my improved audio system for example by my homemade devices controls creation...In some case with some device yes....we deceive ourself sometimes, i experience that also...But in many case not at all... Because the audible effect is too large and too precise to be negated or doubted....

Expectation bias are well suit to explain for a single experiment and a single action, not so well to explain a continuous incremental improvement each week with some experiments for 2 years and this despite continous judgement errors also... Any possible experiment need some feed back verification and corrections to eliminate biases or bad choices...

It will be like accusing someone to hallucinate over 2 years, controlling his own mind like a yogi in a positive thinking act that would work nevermind what he will add to his audio system...

I am not that powerful in my expectation will power conscious or not....I need different materials and some varied devices to change the working of my system for the better...Biases will not do for 2 years... Alas!

And all experiments are not all positives, experiments in listening is a guided feedback in installation devices... It is the way and context which make me able to imagine and create improvement by changing conditions and materials and eliminate my biases or correcting them...

Only limited narrow mind that never experience by themselves invoke "placebo" or "expectation bias" to explain anything they dont like and in whatever context....There is even some that pretend to be able to judge with only a look...Clever people? or deluded one ? make your choice, mine is made....

Expectation bias explanation has not a so broad back and so great power so to speak to explain everything and more...

Sometimes if you put shungite rock on top of an already warm sounding amplifier you must attribute the sudden increased sound compression to the minerals you just put there and not to your power of imagination....It is easy to repeat this experience and test it with adding a piece of quartz that will have the opposite effect.....I call that a little experiment, no bias here... Except in the mind of those who prefer to keep their blinders and going on calling  "placebo" "hallucination" or expectation bias anything they dont like or believe in....Myself i dont believe i only try....The only science that matters is the science of today working for tomorrow...Not scientist dogmas....

Science is complex interpenetration of varied fields studying complex phenomena...

The "timbre" phenomenon for example  for the description of his modelling factors need how many specific  disciplinary concepts to be understood? Judging then the timbre factor a subjective colored bias is ridiculous.... Someone supposed to be a scientist here precisely did that....

Then when you dont like a donkey and you want to sell it  your bias is that the donkey dont walk with enough energy the donkey indeed had his own bias and you dont like it..... 😁

Bias are always there anyway, we are not in the obligation to stay with only them we can try something else.... 

My best to you....
@mahgister. Just a question. How many system's have you set up? Just yours. Maybe a friend or two? Experience is always the best teacher especially when you make a mistake. Some of us have enough experience that we can tell how difficult a room is going to be. Its not that we can't make it better but there are some problems you just can not solve. Some rooms are better than others and when I walk into a room I know right away if I can turn it into a SOTA sound experience. I have told people not to waste a lot of money in a specific room because no matter what we do it will never be SOTA. The best thing to do in a terrible room is a near field system if the person will go with it. I actually refused jobs because I did not like the situation and did not want to be associated with it.
How a system is set up is very important but so isn't the equipment particularly the speakers. It is all important but some things are horribly over estimated in importance and overpriced. A lot of the stuff like the Hallograms are based on totally false assumptions. Mahgister you are totally right that you do not have to spend a fortune to have a brilliant system and you can certainly improve the experience with proper acoustic management. But it is not rocket science and you do not have to spend a fortune doing it either. 
I've got to get back to work a patient almost succeeded in cutting his thumb off.
Mahgister you are totally right that you do not have to spend a fortune to have a brilliant system and you can certainly improve the experience with proper acoustic management. But it is not rocket science and you do not have to spend a fortune doing it either.
You already know that even if the hallograph experience interested me for example i NEVER recommend to people to buy costly tweaks at all...Not because they cannot work, to know that, we must experiment, but because they are too costly sometimes for what they give or too easy to replicate at no cost....

I recommend to experiment ourselves...creativity and partaking creativity is my business not selling costly products...

I did it and i dont need to buy anything...

I just dont like when someone attack many satisfied customers because of this purchase with only no sound reason except an alleged kowledge....

For example i created my room tuner after experimenting with the idea behind the "Argent roomlens" product which is sold more than one thousand dollars...

I recreated it in few hours and probably improve it....I recommend to people to experiment with it not to spend money...

All consumerism and all market sells half truths...

The truth is : dont upgrade before knowing what your system can really do, working at his best potential level when it is rightfully embedded in these 3 dimensions: mechanical, electrical and acoustical.... Is it not simple?

Doing that is possible without buying anything costly...

It is my experience.... And i dont pretend to have the best audio system at all.... Just enough good to make for me the idea to upgrade useless....

My best to you ....
The best thing to do in a terrible room is a near field system if the person will go with it.
Just a remark coming from my experience...

I already have a small room 13 feet almost square...

Near listening help in a bad room in the sense that it "seems" a little less worst and it is in some measure...The direct sound coming from the speakers help.... Thats all....

My acoustical experiment worked improving my near listening (3 feet) also...

Then EVEN in near listening a room must be treated and under control acoustically... It is a myth that with near listening you are free to let your room untouched...In a non treated room, even in near listening the "timbre" experience will not be so natural and the imaging not so good....

It is my experience....

By the way i never pretended to have more experience than you for example in using an equalizer... I dont doubt your expertise with that and will ask you help when i will need to...

But i have also my experience and some unusual devices or materials did unexpected things for me...I dont want to be trusted on words but i dont want to be mocked either....Thats all....

mahgister ...

  • oregonpapa,
  • What are those four remote controls for?
  • What model is that little Nakamichi?

Remotes: 1. CD player. 2. Line stage. 3. Phono stage. 4. Teac CD burner.

Nakamichi DR-3. I bought the Nak here on A’gon from a kind soul for $100 in like-new condition years ago and it still works perfectly. I like to burn some of my favorite LPs onto cassette and play them back on my Mark Levinson car stereo to listen to while driving. Analog in the car sounds just lovely. And by the way, cassettes don't sound too shabby in the main system either. 


Thanks (it was me, not mahgister)!

I figured TEAC out, but could not guess the other three. Most of the time, multiple remotes have a TV somewhere around so I was puzzled.

I have DR-2 (I think) I got for $20 at Goodwill. That is why I noticed Nakamichi. Even mine plays really well.

I agree with tapes in the car.
Post removed 
My preferred medium would be cassettes made from records (singles, preferably). Well, they are, when it comes to realistic sound, probably two steps ahead of short wave radio, but it is ok to like the ugly duckling at times. Love has no eyes. Or ears, in this case.

Ampex > TDK > Maxell.

SA before 1988 or so.

Mark Levinson? What Mark Levinson? Unless it is Becker Mexico Electronic Diversity, it has to be Blaupunkt Mannheim 24.

Now, you could have an older version of Mexico with tubes, if that floats your boat.

Becker Mexico tube radio for Mercedes 190 SL | Königs Klassik-Radios (

Here, for all the tube lovers of Audiogon. Check all seven of them. Tube rolling anyone?

Behind the White Wheel: Becker Mexico Alive

As I said, Mark Levinson? What Mark Levinson?
This cassette talk is reminding me of my pre-audiophile pure music loving days. I had a bunch of phish shows on tape and used to carry the choice sets around in my Chevy s10. And when I was young I had one of those pioneer multi-cassette changers because... I'm not really sure why. I guess it looked cool. I also lusted quite strongly after the Nak my father's friend had in his restaurant. It was one of those that flipped the cassette for you. Such an amazing mechanism really.
I had a Nak deck in my yellow Honda Civic. Fed it with a Dragon. The little sucker maxed out at 90 mph on the flat. Good thing. My brain had only two speeds, on and off.
Mark Levinson has been providing the upgrade audio systems in Lexus models since 2001.
^^^ I have a 2005 Lexus LS 430 with the Mark Levinson upgrade. Just about ready to turn to 72,000 miles on the odometer. 

On buying cassette tape ...

No need to buy new, expensive tapes. Try the thrift stores. They usually carry used premium tapes that someone donated. the usual cost is between 25 and 50 cents. Just check the mechanics with a pencil (you know the trick). Then use a bulk tape eraser (Radio Shack) to erase the old information. Before you erase it though, try playing it in your cassette deck. I've found that once in a while you can find some really well-recorded music on those used tapes, most likely recorded by someone who really cared.

Why I spent a small fortune on my listening room and Hallograph/Synergistic Research tweeks for acoustics, Townshend, Stillpoints and Synergistic Research for electronic vibration control:
- No front wall reflection control  Use SR HFTs, 24 on four walls and ceiling
- No first reflection control  same answer with side wall acoustic foam damping and suspended acoustical foam damping   Bass traps built into the walls (activated charcoal panels)
- The reflections off the glass table - No furniture, one large couch
- The reflective equipment between the speakers - Nothing located between speakers, equipment is off to the side
- The lack of symmetry due to the windows on one side, and the wall/records on the other side-No openings, 2 Swinging Doors 17" thick same construction as walls, perfectly symmetrical design
- The blinds (that will rattle) - None
- The reflective pictures on the wall - None
- The reflective (curio/china cabinet?) in one corner behind the speakers, but not the other - None
The Hallographs focus the sound of the Legacy Focuses, open the soundstage and help imaging, combined with SR HFTs, improve the functionality of the speakers.

I have head Frank's system and it is substantially superior to 95% of audio show setups I've heard.   I've heard the best but it was priced at $1+ million.  It was capable of projecting the best imaging, tonality, dynamics and soundstage in a 70' X 30' X 18' room (approximate) with my music (LP&CD).  Amazing.  I have captured much of that room as has Frank in our systems; however, what I lack is the physically "realness" of the recording event.   Which is why I intend to upgrade to a much more costly speaker.  The Signature IIIs and Focuses are a huge bargain, basically built to a price point at the time which was affordable (used-a steal).  

Setting up the acoustics and vibration control pays huge dividends but is a MAJOR hassle, not as easy as paying your money and buying the equipment.  I also hate mounting and setting up a cartridge but the results are inestimable.   

The problem many people do not or refuse to understand is that just because they hear a difference does not mean that there actually is one.
What you think you hear is subject to the way you are thinking and feeling at the time which is subject to a plethora of influences and how you feel about them. It is pitifully easy to influence human minds. Ask any ventriloquist or magician. As I have said before If a tweak makes you feel your system sounds better is that just as good as an actual improvement in sound after all, sounding better is sounding better. My personal feeling on that is no because in my case at least the sounding better part does not last and in some instances has made thongs worse. I also hate people/companies purposely taking advantage of this frailty of the human mind.
@cal3713 , There is no accounting for the way the human mind works.
But there is one feature of power cords that might under the right circumstances affect sound and that is shielding. Not on the unit itself but on surrounding units, transferring noise to line level cables very near by.
Because of that potential I make my cables out of shielded three conductor 12 gauge wire only using Marinco plugs. Do I know for a fact they improve my system? Absolutely not. But they have a good reason for being there, it makes me feel better and I save a lot of money over buying what may actually be inferior cables. Problem is you don't know what you have until you cut them open and if you don't think a company will run junk wire through a fancy casing you need to answer all your emails. You know anyone who is going to cut open an $3000 power cord?
fleschler ...

As soon as the virus is under control, you'll have to come up for a listening session. The system is WAY beyond where it was the last time you heard it. Truly a magic music machine.

Your argument seems to be  the idea that your mind is unable to  accurately translate your senses. Therefore, this "truth" applies to all of us. The only question is , Why should anyone believe you since you say your senses are not accurate? Isn't this the definition of non sense?  Do Sugar & salt taste the same because our senses are so easily fooled? Really? 

@oregonpapa  I wish I could hear your & Miller's  systems. I have the PPS installed in my system and know the benefit. The Core power 1800 was another step up. I just got it. I learned the beauty of footers and power when I started experimenting with the footers under my CDP. Then an Oyaide R1 outlet. My jaw dropped upon adding each one. I was a skeptic also but I was also curious. This is the thing that many detractors face. They have very little curiosity.  But curiosity isn't necessary when you know it all. 
Welcome artemus_5 to the club! You make a great point about sugar and salt- and not being curious because, know-it-all. But unfortunately people like mijostyn are so deep in denial they refuse to acknowledge even the most compelling evidence.

The comments from impartial listeners are right there on my System page. One of them, Deborah, she was listening with her eyes closed when I silently made a change. She heard it immediately, opened her eyes to see what was going on. She had absolutely no idea or expectation of anything, just sitting there listening, and she heard it. Read the comments!  

mijostyn knows this. It's been posted before. For sure he knows it. So do all the others. Whole slew of stories just like this- with Cones, cable elevators, the circuit breaker trick, on and on. The only thing I can say to them is, it's not just a river in Egypt!  

Then there's my wife. She hardly ever will sit still and listen. But she hears just fine. She has no idea what I am doing, or if I am doing anything at all. Oblivious. Yet it is amazing how many times I do something and she immediately notices and asks what did I do this time??!

A couple times it was Mats. Opened speakers up, pasted crossover caps and all the wires with TC. Put Mats around the crossover, taped along internal wires, and wrapped around speaker magnets. Altogether it was less than one Mat and some tiny fraction of a ml of TC to treat both speakers, but she heard it and was stunned. Eyes wide open.

These are not made up stories. The few of us who know, we know. This technology brings a sense of realism simply not achievable any other way. I know. Heard plenty of systems that cost so much, mine would not even cover the sales tax on theirs. They have some good things going, to be sure. Not saying mine's perfect. All kinds of faults all over the place. But eerie sense of realism just ain't one of em. Can't touch that. Thanks to this stuff. That deniers want to say doesn't even exist.   

If you are ever in the Seattle area and can make time, you are always welcome to come hear for yourself. The longer you wait the better it gets but then after you leave it gets better still so don't let that put you off! ;)
The problem many people do not or refuse to understand is that just because they hear a difference does not mean that there actually is one.
What you think you hear is subject to the way you are thinking and feeling at the time which is subject to a plethora of influences and how you feel about them.
Is this a repeating groove bump in a vinyl called mijostyn brain?

Your accusation make sense for a SINGULAR hearing test about ONE tweak.....

How do you explain by being hallucinatory, or by placebo effect, 2 years of CONTINUOUS improvements, with trials and errors in experiments with acoustical devices, electrical grid devices and mechanical devices listend to by me and my family? Collective audio hallucination or real improvements? What occam razor may say if you are able to think?

Do you really think that man can deceive not only itself but others also through a set of experiments giving incremental weekly positive improvement after another culminating in a complete transformation of his audio system for 2 years ?

I dont give a damn about your lack of logical thinking and your unreasonnable use of the placebo excuse to justify your own passive attitude towards listening experiments and your faith in ready made costly consumerist solutions, BUT

i dont like your supposition about people abusing others....Especially when someone boast about a multi thousand equalizer toy/tool for the solution to acoustical problems......

This is not placebo this is ignorance....Even about what an equalizer can usefully really do or cannot do at all.....

«Most skeptics deceive themselves "believing" they doubt»-Groucho Marx logician
" The problem many people do not or refuse to understand is that just because they hear a difference does not mean that there actually is one.
What you think you hear is subject to the way you are thinking and feeling at the time "

The 1st time I decided to try an aftermarket power cord I started off with a couple of under $100 ones Signal Cable, PS Audio. Given comments from prior purchasers of the particular models I bought I expected to hear a difference after putting them into the system and letting them run in a bit. I heard no improvement versus the one supplied with the amp. None despite my expectation that I would given user reviews. I purchased an Audio Art power cable after reading some comments, went in with a "we’ll see" attitude given my initial experience and it was a noticeable improvement right after turning the amp on. When I decided to see if Shunyata Venom Defenders would have any further impact to the SQ in my 2 systems besides those I already achieved using a Blue Circle BC600 power conditioner in my main system and a Blue Circle Puck power conditioner in my second system I wasn’t sure what to expect given the $250 price for each and their small size. It was quite obvious that it added SQ in both instances as I plugged them into available outlets as the music was already playing. Same thing when I inserted cable elevators for my speaker cables I listened as I was already playing music. Long story with a few examples, but for me anyway hearing the impact/no impact of tweaks is no different than hearing the "positive/negative" of a piece of equipment , expectation bias doesn't over ride what I hear
Then there’s my wife. She hardly ever will sit still and listen. But she hears just fine. She has no idea what I am doing, or if I am doing anything at all. Oblivious. Yet it is amazing how many times I do something and she immediately notices and asks what did I do this time??!

You have a nice wife MC. Not everyone’s wife will lie and stroke your ego like that.

Given you have 1 listening chair, I am guessing you make her sit and listen ... soooooo .....

It looks like your speakers are pretty wide compared to the seating distance?  The Tektons have a much more even response off axis than your old speakers.  I would consider moving them inwards a bit.  At that spacing if it is what it looks like, you may have too much of a headphone effect, with some image loss from the close wall placement. I am sure it is pleasant as again, they do have good off axis response, but they may be better a bit farther from the wall, maybe with some diffusion.
You tried Mijostyn, but we are working in an alternate universe where a top system people have heard are based around 20 year old rather average even at the time Legacy speakers complete with some really bad integration of the two tweeters.  Fleschler didn't you have at one point those speakers (or close) in a $150K room as your system?    I really think you people need to get out more.
Post removed 
Odds on bet is that I have a significantly higher IQ than you do.
Are you serious?

How do you call someone using this way of speaking in a discussion?

I will not say the word myself..... 


If you are ever in the Southern California area, you would be welcome to come over for a listen.

audio2design ...

  • "tried Mijostyn, but we are working in an alternate universe where a top system people have heard are based around 20 year old rather average even at the time Legacy speakers complete with some really bad integration of the two tweeters."

You are totally clueless.

And by the way, the Signature IIIs have four tweeters, two rear-firing, and not just two as you stated. Here’s some information on the rear-firing tweeters from the owner’s manual:

mijostyn3,589 posts01-27-2021 5:22pmArtemus, I am a physician that has to work with people like you on a daily basis. Odds on bet is that I have a significantly higher IQ than you do. You sir are a human with all the frailties there of. In the words of Clint Eastwood, "A man has to know his limits." You obviously do not. I hope the crash is not too bad.

And you called me harsh :-)

It’s always dangerous pulling out the IQ card. Remember that scene from Big Bang Theory,
  • Stephanie: Where did you get the stethoscope and the blood pressure cuff?
  • Sheldon: My aunt Marion gave them to me for my 12th birthday. She thought if I failed at theoretical physics that I should have a trade to fall back on. And by the way, the blood pressure cuff is called a sphygmomanometer

Now perhaps you were trying to equate intelligence to general curiosity, as a counterpoint to @artemus ’s attempt at an insult to accuse those who don’t "hear things" as being lacking in curiosity. Those with higher intelligence are more generally curious and there is some evidence to support higher specific curiosity as well, but that may be tied to some base aptitude in that area. Maybe you were referring to higher intelligence also indicating higher creativity?

It was still pretty harsh :-)

Equating subtle hearing memory and subtle hearing interpretations to gross sensory stimuli like salty or sour, is not helping your case Artemus. Do you ever confuse 100Hz and 10Khz? No? No one does, no more than they, absent a defect, confuse saturated blue for saturated red. However, if I tell you it is a $100 wine, or a $10 wine, or I put cheap wine in an expensive bottle (and vice versa), it has been shown (repeatedly) that your interpretation of how the wine tastes will be influenced.

Now Mijostyn, do you think you can convince your colleagues, far too many who think nothing of speaking publicly on all matters Covid, even though what they often speak about is things like covid transfer in specific environments (medical research/sciences/engineering), case growth rates (epidemiology, math, societal/human factors modelling), etc., things which they are obviously unqualified to speak on (which is apparent to someone intelligent). Intelligence does not confer expertise, but it can often breed unwarranted confidence.
And by the way, the Signature IIIs have four tweeters, two rear-firing, and not just two as you stated. Here’s some information on the rear-firing tweeters from the owner’s manual:

I never said whether it had 2, 3, 4, or 10 tweeters, I said it had bad integration of the two tweeters. The rear tweeter is not integrated. The front two are ....or are supposed to be. However, what resulted was a bit of a disaster.
Intelligence does not confer expertise, but it can often breed unwarranted confidence.
Wise line....I cannot refrain to repeat it....I hope you do the same for yourself....
When I write about audio, I do have expertise, you have confidence. Please note the difference and carry on.
I never said whether it had 2, 3, 4, or 10 tweeters, I said it had bad integration of the two tweeters. The rear tweeter is not integrated. The front two are ....or are supposed to be. However, what resulted was a bit of a disaster.
You begin your coming in this thread by doubting ALL testimonies it is ok....

But you were NEVER interested by this product anyway save for bashing the customers who bought them....

 You choose one customer system and try to demolish it by accusing  the room to be unable to be good...

After that you tried to trash the speakers of one owner....

Mahgister,  I am going to have to go back to not responding to you, because you are too lazy to formulate accurate arguments.  You will note my initial comments were purely about the product, and what it would or could do, and the apparent technical capabilities of the company.

HOWEVER, some (the usual suspects), attacked me personally. When that happens, they are fair game, including their audio "cred".  If they are going to act like audiophile "gods" while having poor speakers and often worse rooms, while I am going to point that out.
Post removed 
Toss a couple of these refrigerator mats on the doors of your Tesla and get  200 more miles per charge. 

You will note my initial comments were purely about the product, and what it would or could do, and the apparent technical capabilities of the company.
surely you are joking?

The product is such that no one here can know how it work....The formula is unknown...

And you are a infaillible "genius" speaking only about secondary things not related to this formula and you called that intelligent criticism without having the product and no idea which is in it?

Criticizing the support of the product to be a refrigerator magnetic mat is an argument?

If they are going to act like audiophile "gods"
Now you attributed a quality that Oregonpapa never attributed to himself, he is just an audio enthusiast who stumble on a probably good product then why so desperate unjust attacks?

Oregonpapa by the way is more modest than i am....I will take the attack on myself....😁

But after discussing with audiodesign i discover being myself almost modest....

HOWEVER, some (the usual suspects), attacked me personally
Now attacking all people for being satisfied customers and audiophile, you are the victim?

think about that:

You affirm to someone you dont know, who is friendly and polite always, that the product he bought is trash, his room is trash, his speakers are trash, and you accuse him of boasting himself being an audiophile god?

That speak volume about your character....

Think about that.....

Toss a couple of these refrigerator mats on the doors of your Tesla and get 200 more miles per charge.
why so much hate?

I dont partake at all millercarbon political ideas....Is it necessary to bash anything he touch to express hate?

I cannot adress all injust attack by stupidity....Are we human or idiot for life?

It seems that it is normal in this world.....
audio2design My room is $150,000 with built-in activated chambered charcoal bass traps. I spent the money on the acoustics first in my new home. The electronics and cabling are not SOTA but the equipment and tweaks add up to about $75,000. Sure Legacy speakers are built to a price point. I’m getting as much as possible out of them and that’s better than the 100s of speakers I’ve heard. Only some really great speakers at much more than $10K sound better in really good systems. I’m looking to purchase Von Schweikert VR9SE MkII and hear the Evolution Acoustics MM2s or 3s. I’ve heard other speakers but the VRs I’ve heard (Ultras) have the best sound I’ve ever heard from my LPs and CDs. I can’t afford an Ultra right now. I still tell people that the older Legacy speakers are a steal for the sound one can get out of them. I had just moved in and Covid hit so that stopped me from hearing other speakers in showrooms. I intend to get back to that sometime in 2021. When I was a commercial R.E. appraiser, I appraised over 17 local sound studios in Los Angeles. Two studios used Legacy Focuses. Steve Hoffman used them for many remastered DCCs. I saw a recent NYC recording hall using new ones. Tom Port of Better Records uses them for testing for hot stampers.  These are really fine speakers. New equipment does not mean better in all ways. It is difficult to do everything better than previous engineering.
It is difficult to do everything better than previous engineering.
Just my vintage Sansui AU 7700 is so good replacing it make no sense...

Way more rewarding to recreate acoustic...

My best to you....

Audio2design, Like Clint said," A man's got to know his limits." a very important trait for a physician if he does not want to get his a-s sued off and yes, I know some very dumb intelligent people. Physiologically, we all have remarkably similar characteristics and limits within a range. We all have noses and everyone knows what a human nose looks like and will identify it as such even though there can be pretty extreme variations in form, say Taylor Swift as compared to Jimmy Durante. Both of them do exactly the same thing. Noses very predictably smell unless they are diseased. We humans are predictable in many ways, millions of ways. 
The major variation in ability to adapt to and function in the environment we have created for ourselves is do to intelligence and training or learning if you will. One a matter of luck and the other parenting. There are exceptions such as personality disorders particularly of the antisocial type of which there are several examples in this forum. They confuse intelligence with arrogance. You are a perfect example of this confusion.
Yes, it was harsh. It was meant to be.
There are exceptions such as personality disorders particularly of the antisocial type of which there are several examples in this forum. They confuse intelligence with arrogance. You are a perfect example of this confusion.
Yes, it was harsh. It was meant to be.
Just to rectify your diagnostic, antisocial personality are unable to empathize...
They prefer their"logic"...Their "logic" is the only one...

Using so called scientific fact, like a sound theorem in signals theory, to bash a group of people is not science it is symptom of absence of empathy and judgement and ignorance about all the complex chain of the recording events and the phenomena of timbre...Accusing a musician with 45 years of working in studio of lying in place of an  argument is nor science nor logic....

Making the same harsh comments about someone who pretend to nothing except to be amazed by the products effects on his system in a thread about them, bashing systematically, his room, his speakers, his products and pretending that he was an pretentious ignorant.... This is a blatent lack of empathy, not only lack of the knowledge about the product and this time with no excuse, not even a theorem, it is then a probable evidence of antisocial characteristic, if not, a stupidity without redemption or in the least case an eyesight with straight blinders ....

For your own intelligence mark and remark, you make smile all people here... Are you a children in a school to boast about your quality?

You are not antisocial yourself i dont think so, just the average dude conditioned by his straight education to admire anyone who pretend to "objective science’ without being able to differentiate the 2, science has nothing to do with "scientism"....

I am average myself, but i read 4,000 books about science, and philosophy, linguistic, mathematics etc and i can make the difference between true scientist and "scientist" pretender.... Read a bit more it will help....

You will learn for example that acoustical timbre phenomenon is not "a sujective taste and colors " added to the so called " real" information in bits....


By the way accusing all people who were protesting here against this abuse to be sociopaths confusing intelligence with arrogance is itself a so stupid psychological judgement that, even for me trying to conclude that you are not stupid is very difficult.... I cannot....Help me...

By the way there is a thing called probability.... Sociopath constitute a minority in population then your reasoning that all people here in this thread protesting injustice here ( 4 or five have already manifest themselves) against the harshness of one, all those being are sociopaths if i read you, this is a judgement way improbable and not very wise.... The contrary is more probable...

Nope, not confusing intelligence with arrogance, they can go together or they can be separate.  Pulling the intelligence card is usually arrogant :-)

4,000 books, but it appears not one was The Evaluation of Self.  That one can call another lacking empathy, but does not see their own lack of empathy in their need to talk above everyone else with the same material, in every single thread they post in, whether relevant or not.  This puts your selfish needs for attention above other people's needs that is not empathy.

Not everyone is deserving of empathy either.  While you may see but one aspect of a person here, in this thread, I have seen the insults and abuse they have thrown at others elsewhere on the web, and don't feel any need to waste positive emotions on them. There are people far more deserving in my life.
I am passionate and i cannot stand those who attacked group of people bashing them with their simplification...

You did it for analog lovers...

You did it for Tweaks audiophile you despised...

But it was impossible for me to read your arrogant rejection of the room, speakers, products and even the personality of such a gentleman like oregonpapa...Like you said truth ask for being harsh then taste your own medecine...😁

Accusing me of anything is bad faith i only answered, not so much to your falsehood but to your collective accusations of ignorance against those 2 groups of people and against oregonpapa in particular...

I can admit myself being wrong,i proved it in the past; you are not able of that and you have proved it beyond doubts...

Instead of thinking about that you come back here attaking who? oregonpapa.....It is one of the first person who speak to me here almost 2 years ago, and it is a gentle soul loving music....

«The wise look itself in a mirror »-Anonymus Smith

«Standing before truth ask for a complete bareness rendition of our intelligence and a stripping of our knowledge»- Anonymus Smith
mahgister ...

Thank you for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 

I took a peek at your system page with all of your experiments. We're thinking along the same lines. For example, "audio2designs" took issue with the reflective glass on the pictures hanging on my walls. Well, I discovered copper foil as you did for your "golden plates." A little piece of copper foil with adhesive on one side, in each corner of each picture, made an improvement in getting the reflections under control. Also, I discovered long ago the value of placing heavy material on top of the speakers. It is like adding mass to the speakers. I used to use cinder blocks but now use a heavy granite platform on each speaker plus heavy lead fishing weights. Like you, I have spent an inordinate amount of time and effort to reduce micro-vibrations throughout the system. Unlike you, and much to your credit, I spent a lot of money to attain my low micro-vibrations. You've done it on a budget. Kudos to you for that. 

I really enjoy your posts. Keep 'em coming. :-)
