Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?

Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
mapman ...

  •  One year in a trailer park with $75 rent living on 5-pound blocks of cheese.

Was that Gumment cheese? 

And hey, If you had that virtual happy hour with social distancing outside where I live, you'd be facing the Sheriff's SWAT team. If they can do it to a lone surfer, just think how they would come down on your "criminal" activity. 


t_ramey ...

The "experts" of the 30s and 40s brought the incinerators to bear.  Here, they are only destroying a great economy. Twenty-two million new applications for unemployment compensation, and it won't stop there. Some are suggesting that the Communist Chinese Virus shut-down should last until after the next election. Hmm, I wonder why?

Yep I was a poor grad student and that 5 pound block of cheese every month made a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches.
To make up for it, now 35 years later I am still gainfully employed as a result (knock on wood) and don’t even qualify for any pandemic relief ( not that I’m complaining).

Western KY is a hot spot. There is a number here in KY to call to report violatiors of the Executive Order. They  have posted 24 hour deputies at houses of people who wouldn't quarantine, used ankle bracelets as well. You want to move here, that's fine but we have rules as well. 
Hey @djones where in western Kentucky?

I was in Murray KY two years.  Huntsville Al for 4 back in the Reagan years.  I imagine even Land between the Lakes is off limits currently.