perfectwave combo or..? MBL + Bryston setup

MBL 111F + 2x Bryston 28SST2

Will likely be using ARC Ref 3 pre, still debating

Thoughts on getting the PS Audio Perfectwave DAC/Transport combo for this setup? is it "high-end" enough? any better options?
if you want to play high rez dvrs, the ps audio combo is one of the least expensive ways to do it. another choice is to buy the ps audio pwt and the minimax dac, possibly modifying the dac.
Buy the APL Dac-S and you can skip the Pre.
If you wanna go the extra mile swing for the APL NWO-M.
I think it depends on your media. A lot of network streamers will do file based, but it sounds like you still have a lot of CDs. Do you play SACD/DVDA too? If so (and you have the money), consider the MSB Universal Media Transport and one of their DACs:

That said, I enjoy my PWD + Bridge immensely. I listen to a lot of high resolution FLAC files downloaded from HD Tracks and Linn and think it does a great job for the money. About the only thing I would consider replacing it with at this point is if I found a smoking deal on a Linn Klimax DS.