Perhaps we should stick with midfi...

I just bought a $60,000 system with big names like krell, Audio Research, Mcintosh, B&W 802 D speakers, Sony SACD, Transparent wires, etc, and I get more enjoyment from my sub $1000 I put together used with ADS speaker, NAD monitor pre amp, Onkyo Integra M-504 power amp, Toshiba SD-9200 DVD player (as CD and DVD).

I am thinking I should have stopped with my midfi system now...

Anyone else have similar sentiments, or is my ear not golden enough to hear the difference yet?
I took a different route in playing detective and tried to figure out the value of the bike in the pictures found on the link so see if the OP could afford the systems described. I wasn't able to figure out exactly what model it was as the name on the forks seems to be assessory type stuff and not a bike model. Maybe the bike is a fake as well?

Note: I'm not intending to discount the OP's story, just joining in the recent detective work since it appeared to be fun.
Post removed 
The concrete in the drive way is old and pitted. It has been patched in several areas. There are some stains on the concrete. The garage door is just standard aluminum; nothing special. The bike has dirt on it and shows signs of use and wear. So, what part of the country are soltio tiles popular? Southwest? Also, I'd guest that the house is in a subdivision, and a lower end one judging buy the untrimmed window (drywall jams).

Having said that, when I purchased a home in a subdivision about ten years ago, I requested drywall jams because the builder wanted $400 to trim each window. It cost me less that $40 a window and took less than two hours which including installation of the sill, jams, trim and prime and painting. There are 14 windows in my home for a savings of over $5000. Also, from the road, my home looks like an unassuming saltbox colonial; inside it's a different story.
The pictures of the bike are taken with the same camera as the two audio systems.

I think Gonglee3 needs to chime in and shed some light on the details. It's been a pleasant distraction playing detective.
Trained observers come one come all. Someone must have an inside track to solving this riddle. Is it real or is it McIntosh?