Periphery Record Rings

Who uses one of these periphery record rings, like the VPI? Theoretically they make a lot of sense. What is your experience with them?

Has anyone seen this auction over at Audiogon ...

It's a brass ring without the outer downward facing "lip" on the VPI ring, which won't work on all tables due to lack of belt clearance. I would guess brass would be better, since it is denser and purportedly results in better sound than other metals. Anyone seen one of these "ttouter" rings and can vouch for the quality of the workmanship and uniformity of it?


Showing 1 response by sbank

The VPI ring hasn't been a PITA for me. Agree w/Dgarretson about the benefits, not to mention that warped LPs will never be a trouble again. Cheers,
