Perlisten D212 Subs (2) in the house.

Lots of interest in subwoofers these days so I decided to take the plunge.  My listening room is large 17’W x 32”D x 16’ vaulted ceilings with an open back wall into other rooms.  Current speakers Wilson Alexia 1, Classe Delta Mono’s, and VAC Signature 11a SE.  Originally was going to buy REL G1 mark 2 but decided to take a chance on the Perlisten as its newer tech and specs looked very good.  At first I thought speaker level connection was the way to go and it may be with a tube power amp rig.  The argument of passing through the “color” of your amp kinda made sense.  But I run very neutral solid state power amps and any power “amp” color still goes though the sub’s power amps which adds its own sound thus that argument made less sense to me and my system. I’m also lucky that my pre has two XLR outs for bi-amping. I am still breaking in these subs so I have decided to not try a detailed matching to my floor standers yet.  I will say this.  They are currently set at 80htz low pass with no other DSP adjustment.  The SQ is great!  They have a very articulate and fast bottom end that amazingly “pairs” well with my Wilsons with no tweaking. The soundstage has increased and there is a better foundation to the music.  Will provide further assessments after break-in.




thanks for the feed back. We are more or less on the exact same page.

The Sopra does looks awesome and sounds good too. The JBL 4367 is my ugliest speaker ever lol… but I think they will be keepers. 

Good to know the CR-1 is silent, I have read the manual and I am familiar with how it works. I will probably go that roughy in the spring when I switch out to a new subwoofer system. I have looked at digital systems but kind of like the old school knobs of the CR-1. I tire of diving into a computer everything I want to change something. The E112 hiss was not to bad on some of my old speakers but is crazy loud on the horns. Most people would hate it, I have learned to ignore it for now. 

the only other thing I do I don’t hear much about on here regarding subs, is I move my main speakers depending on the crossover frequency I choose. I find the crossover point and slop effects the room gain a good bit. Roughly placing the speakers at 1/4th the distance of the frequent wave length of the crossover seems to aid in the blending. Not sure that is easy to follow in writing but simple enough in practice with a frequent length chart and a measurement mic. The phase distance relationship is also at play. Subs are a pain but worth the effort to me. 

Anyway as you play with the Perlistens more let us know what you think of them. 

@james633 Don't knock the JBL's (kidding) I have the L100 75's for my physical media system paired with the E112's. I will never let those speakers go. Also have 4309's for our family room and love them also. Huge JBL fan, honestly my speaker crushes have been with JBL and Focal, but other always peaking my interests from time to time.

And my biggest revelation was with my office where I have the subs to the right and left of me halfway into the room (12'x12' room) the phase adjustment made worlds of difference and that "in to the room right and left placement" for subwoofers I'm sold on. Hope to build a dedicated listening room and move my main system there and have more liberty with speaker and subwoofer placement.



Nice looking setups for sure. I have never tried side placement of subs due to just having limited runs of wire. Maybe once I have the CR-1 I will move them around more as longer runs of balanced cables are more common than RCAs. 


Thanks for posting.  I have Vimberg Mino D and was interested in “articulate” subwoofers to extend the bottom end and to support the rest of the lower audio band. Wilson and Magico subs were out of budget. JL Audio I was concerned with long term reliability from some (old?) reports.  The dual woofers setup to lower distortions in the D212 seems like a great idea.  

I also have the Perlisten D12s. It has evolved into a very nice sub.

Initially it needed lots of break in as I couldn’t get enough gain out of it. But now is performing well. That driver when new is really tight and seemed quite closed in. It wouldn’t keep up with the Altec 604 due to the high efficiency of the speaker.

With the D12s hooked to the preamp, the Altec would be fairly loud at 9:00 on volume, but the Perlisten sub even set to the highest gain was not loud enough.  

Over time the sub seemed to loosen up and I have been able to turn the gain down to 9.5 or 10 (out of 12)