Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?
@smodtactical I have a feeling you are going to Kennedy Hi-Fi for the 9H demo. If you are, how about also having a listen to their Yamaha NS 5000 which is setup in another room. I cannot hear this speaker until I get back home to Toronto near the end of the year. I would be interested in your impression.
Very good, and perceptive, report.

Agreed. I'm looking forward especially to your impressions of the S3 Mk2 compared to the M2. 

I see that Magico report was from a demo at Mark Jones. He’s an experienced Magico guy and knows how to set them up. That’s where I auditioned the Magico A3 (and left less impressed than I hoped).

Mark is a great guy! Honest and helpful.