Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?

Yes, I compared several Raidhos (and other speakers) with the Personas.
The Raidhos need power...they sounded great in my dealer room with Gryphon, but not so well with other amps.
Probably they are a good match for your Bryston, because they sound on the warm side and need a neutral and muscular amp.

Sincerely, never thought about the danger of beryllium...But after a brief google search, I found several reports that there is no real danger...I think you can rest easy...and the Personas drivers are well protected. 
Thanks for the thoughts.

@yyzsantabarbara  unfortunately no, I asked the owner if I could demo them, initially he said sure, but after I finished with the 9H he seemed a bit tired and said... you won't like them, its a vintage sound. I didn't want to insist. Sorry.

@nabcs Ok thanks, lots to think about.

Do you guys think MC601s would be a good pairing? I could also do a tube preamp to warm it up more.

I can imagine any McIntosh amp sounding great with Personas...and the tube preamp will be the icing on the cake.
If you read some Persona threads there are some Persona owners who are critical of the demos with MAC and Persona.
@yyzsantabarbara ah thanks, hrm, maybe that integrated moon amp. If I do this though I will probably just get the speakers and connect them to my bryston is just to hear how they sound and later add or subtract gear.

I don’t know what the reputation of moon amplifiers are but perhaps the integrated Moon amps that I heard did warm up the 9h slightly which made it so detailed yet musical.