Smodtactical, we have the Kef Blades which are very good not as transparent and do not throw as focused a soundstage but they sound bigger with a more rounded deeper bass.
The Vimbergs sounded amazing at Axpona, it would be hard to tell if they sound better per say, they seem like they sound similar to the Personas with a richer overall but still highly detailed presentation, nor do they have as deep of a bass response but overall they were fantastic sounding and on our list as one of the standouts at that show.
We do like Rockport speakers but haven’t heard them in a while, don’t believe that would image as holographically and the transparency in the midrange isn’t as good as the Personas, but overall a great speaker company.
Also at Axpona the Wilson DAW were sounding really good.
Those would be our recommendations.
As per Mike it is doubtful he ever had a pair in his shop, if he did a quick drop and plop without due dilligence in setup he would probably not like them.
Also Mike pushes the hell out of Magico so why would he want to bring in a direct competitor that looks prettier, is more efficient, images with more holography, and in the case of the Persona 9H offers better bass in any size room with the built in subwoofers with Anthem Room Correction.
We are willing to bet he never had a pair in his shop and based his dislike on hearing them elsewhere. A dealer would be able to answer which amplifer and setups he used.
Food for thought.
As you are a Canadidan the Personas shoud be way less expensive in Canada for you. If you factor that vs the greater cost of many competitors you should strongly consider the 9H personally we think that if you invest in good electronics, source and cabling you will get fantastic results with the 9H.
When they are setup correctly they are smooth, image incrediibly well, have very tight bass and have incredible resolution.
Personally our setup of the T+A electronics, Aqua Hifi dac, Innous Statement plus good power conditioning and cabling is one pretty amazing system if you are in the East Coast of the United States you should come over and hear our demo system it is pretty amazing.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Persona dealers