Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Update- 1966 to 2005:
Lafayette Solid State Int.Amp,Olsen Tube Rec.,Pioneer SA-9100, Kenwood L07-Ms,GAS Son of Ampzilla,GAS Ampzilla II,Threshold 400A, Marantz 8b,ARC D-76,ARC D-150A,ARC D-79A, Futterman OTLs,Rappaport Amp-1,Quicksilver MS-190,Electron Kinetic Eagle 7A,MFA M-120,MFA M-150,MFA M-200,NRG A200S,Spectral DMA-80,Pass Aleph 3,Mesa Baron,Sonic Frontiers Power OneSE,Gamut D200 Mk.II,Spectron Musician II,TacT M2150,TacT S2150.
Carver 1.0

Adcom 565 mono's

Classe 15

Plinius SA100 MK2(Then upgraded to MK3 status)

BAT Vk75

ASL 1009 mono's
Time to update my last post from 08-10-04:

1988-93 Pioneer A-656 MKII (ALR Nummer 3 stand speakers)
1993-97 Harman Kardon HK1400 (ALR Nummer 3 stand speakers)
1998-03 Rega Mira (Original) (Mission 751 monitor speakers)
2003-04 Linn Classic (Mission 751 monitor speakers)
2004-04 Linn Wakonda/LK85 (Mission 751 monitor speakers)
2004-05 Jolida JD302B (Mission 751, Spendor S3/5, Omega Super 3)
2004-04 Audio Aero Prima (very nice, but returned due to problems)
2004-04 Unison Unico (awful sound, sold after 3 months)
2005 Sonic Impact T-amp (Cain Abby)
2005 Bottlehead S.E.X amp (Cain Abby)
2005 First Watt F1 (Cain Abby)
2005 Fi Super X 2A3 amp (Cain Abby)

I guess the list got quite a bit longer :-) since last time....
Sony receiver
Adcom GFA 535 x2 (biamp, 60wpc ea)
McCormack DNA-1
BAT VK-500
BAT VK-75se (tubes!)
this is Tim,

I have upgraded to Symphonic LIne RG4, it made a huge difference.