Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
I started with a 25 watt Sansui in 1973 then a Fisher 100 watt reciever,SAE,Nakamichi 600 then Carver dual cubes and finally my favourite PS Audio 200c great power and build.
Asterisk for "why did I sell it"
These only make sense in the context of what speakers I had at the time.
Dyna ST 35
Dyna Pas 3 and MK III s *
Dyna Pat 4 and ST 120 (Big mistake)
Sherwood integrated
Hafler 101 and 110 into DH 200 with mods
Flame Linear 400 (another mistake)
NAD 1020*
YBA Integre DT *
Meridian amp ? model
Krell 7B and KS 80 (to drive 'stats)
Pass Kit
Audio Note 300B
Audioquest EL34 *
Conrad Johnson PV 11 with whatever 60 watt amp they were making
Jeff Rowland Concentra 2 *
Saunders MK 1 (to drive another 'stat)*
Tact S2150
Leben CS 300*
Marantz receiver mid '70's, Bryston 2B a short time later and Hafler 9180 ever since 1995. I regret ever letting go of the Marantz. At that time in audio history Marantz owned a lot of the market in it's niche. The Bryston had too little low end as it was 50W, but I liked it otherwise. The Hafler 9180 is a GEM of a performer. Never fatiguing. Never had one problem with it or any other of my amps for that metter. Rockford Fosgate is holding on the the Hafler name and patents and will not re-start the line. I have asked. If I have to ever replace the Hafler (will try to get it fixed first) I will stay with MOSFETS and go with the B and K 200.2. A MOSFET higher watt/current amp running in Class A at low listening levels. Want one NOW but $1600 is too much at this point in time.
Sony receiver
NAD 40 watt
Carver m400?
Carver m500
Rotel 980bx
Conrad Johnson MF2500
Creek integrated
McCormack DNA 0.5
MCCormack DNA 1
Nuforce Ref 8.5
Upgraded to
Nuforce Ref 9 V2
PS Audio HCA 2
Belles 150A Reference
Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3 Integrated
Sony Receiver ->
Carver M500t ->
Carver M1.5t ->
Adcom GFA-555 ->
Levinson No. 27 ->
Levinson No. 334

I've had the 334 for a little over a decade and aside from Pass Labs haven't heard much that makes me want to upgrade.

Of note is I do NOT like the Levinson sound since the move to the West Coast.