Personal taste is just that...personal. I am one of the estimated 25 percent of the population that cannot taste truffles due to an inability to smell androstenone. Discovered this in cooking school when the rest of the class was swooning over a truffle dish, and try as I might I could not taste it.
It’s the same with stereo equipment: some of us can hear better than others. My hearing has certainly changed over the years, not only gotten worse but my music preferences have moved on from rock to bebop jazz. Even if I were willing to spend any amount of money for the perfect system, that system purchased in my 20s would probably not sound very good to me now.
So to to your point about happiness and charlatans, I completely agree. Someone is always there to sell you something they say will make you happier. I never felt I needed to spend a lot of money on stereo equipment to enjoy music; right now I have a Linn Axis turntable I bought second hand 20 years ago, an AT95 cartridge, an NAD 7020 I bought off eBay and had refurbished and a pair of Paradigm Atom V.2 speakers I just refoamed. And I buy most of my records at flea markets. But I did recently invest in a Pro-Ject RCM and am looking at a pair of Elac Debut series speakers for Christmas.
If someone wants to spend more money on their music hobby, and can afford it, then more power to them. Not my taste, but neither are truffles. 😁
It’s the same with stereo equipment: some of us can hear better than others. My hearing has certainly changed over the years, not only gotten worse but my music preferences have moved on from rock to bebop jazz. Even if I were willing to spend any amount of money for the perfect system, that system purchased in my 20s would probably not sound very good to me now.
So to to your point about happiness and charlatans, I completely agree. Someone is always there to sell you something they say will make you happier. I never felt I needed to spend a lot of money on stereo equipment to enjoy music; right now I have a Linn Axis turntable I bought second hand 20 years ago, an AT95 cartridge, an NAD 7020 I bought off eBay and had refurbished and a pair of Paradigm Atom V.2 speakers I just refoamed. And I buy most of my records at flea markets. But I did recently invest in a Pro-Ject RCM and am looking at a pair of Elac Debut series speakers for Christmas.
If someone wants to spend more money on their music hobby, and can afford it, then more power to them. Not my taste, but neither are truffles. 😁