Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
Blah blah blah yada yada whatever. FUDD: Fear Uncertainty Doubt Derision. Funny how the FUDD always no matter what winds up serving the interests of a large and callous government over the individual.

lewm - thanks for the informed and lucid post.  Science must maintain primacy.
a large and callous government over the individual
It's for-profit corporations over the individual. That's why this bullsh1t faces us all except the wealthy. 

You just wasted a lots of words. Save youself some effort.

This is what you are dealing with...

Blah blah blah yada yada whatever. FUDD: Fear Uncertainty Doubt Derision. Funny how the FUDD always no matter what winds up serving the interests of a large and callous government over the individual.

09-25-2020 7:18pm

That’s for sure. Tupu, the midrange magic, incredible detail, truth of timbre and dynamics gets even better with time. I took a break from all the constant tweaking and just sat back and enjoyed listening as things settle in. Last night Neil Diamond was so palpably there I had tears.

Unfortunately it will be a few days before I’m doing that again. Couldn’t catch my breath, went to urgent care, now admitted at Highline with pneumonia...

millercarbon 09-26-2020 11:17pm

Working in health care I see every day how almost all MDs are little more than rules-followers. Very few actually follow any thought process. They even say, that’s not our protocol. Which is fancy language for you have this so we give you that, never mind the reasons why. So they put me on expensive, risky, iffy remdesivir, and they will do an even more experimental transfusion. But a known cheap effective safe drug? That’s not our protocol. Morons.

Fortunately millercarbon is no moron, and bought HCQ months ago, just in case. Wife brought it in, and so I’m able to get proper meds in spite of the docs.

Not finding any rubinal. Do you mean robinul?

09-28-2020 1:50am
There’s a lot of anger in Australia right now after having banned HCQ from a study that was completely debunked in the UK, where a doctor actually was using OD levels of HCQ in a study. It has been completely debunked and the doctor involved was found out. Timing in the use of this drug, according to the report is more important. The bans in Australia are expiring, and with the truth now uncovered, it seems it may become used in early stages of the viral infection?!

ALL the "studies" used to discredit HCQ are rigged one way or another. But I have neither the time nor the patience nor the energy to explain all this, certainly not to this crowd of know-it-alls. Good to know at least some in Aus are figuring it out.

The gold standard treatment is 200 mg twice a day for 6 days, and taken with Azi and zinc. Mortality on this regimen is 30% lower than anything else.

10-17-2020 2:48pm

Its not dead, but I almost was. Nine days in hospital, multi-focal pneumonia bad enough they nearly had me on a vent. Kind of lost interest in the blather. Not the news, like your sub experience. But the blather. Which unfortunately the only thing seems capable of getting the blatherers to move along please is to leave them to their own devices. Sad. But true.
10-17-2020 9:34pm

I was at one point on 10 liters 02, which is a lot of oxygen, and even at that out of breath and feeling like I was about 10 feet underwater. That’s just lying there. Just to roll over, adjust blankets, was an effort it took a while to recover from. How close I was to being on a vent, I don’t want to know. Too close for comfort.

And, every cake needs icing...


12-13-2020 1:14pm

There is no pandemic, unless you want to talk about superstitious obedience to communist talking points. There is no pandemic, because there are no excess deaths. These are not talking points. These are the facts.

Excess deaths are just what it sounds like, more people die than normal. If there’s a pandemic then for sure there must be more people dead than normal. Whatever the cause. We can set that one aside for now. Forget how fake the testing is. Forget the exaggerated causes of death. Forget all that. If the word pandemic is to have any meaning at all it must be more people die than normal.

Well, its just not happening. And we can be certain its just not happening simply by following the money. The Social Security Administration pays benefits every month. More people die, less people collecting, less money paid out. Its pretty simple.

So you look at the graphs, and the graphs are flat. Not even a burble. There are no excess deaths. Its all fake news. Sorry. I know people have totally lost all ability to think and reason for themselves. Too bad. Don’t change the facts none.

Go figure!