Phono Cable Suggestions?

Hello all:

I'm in need of a phono cable (DIN to RCA's with ground cable) as my Bolder Nitro bit the dust for the second time and I'm tired of messing with it.

Any suggestions on a quality cable with good build quality>


How would a Venustas - Purist Audio Cable compare with those suggested?

Would it be considered neutral, or does it flavor the signal?

Hi, I used to own a Venustas. It's ever so slightly sweet side of nuetral compared to some other top flight cables. It is a wondeful cable one of the very best there is-period. Purist has 2 or 3 more higher up in their line, I upgraded to a Purist Proteus Provectus over the summer, it is a tad warmer than the Venustas, but quieter, more detailed, less distortion, better clartiy.

The Purist Venustas does so many things just so right imo...
I've owned the Furutech and home auditioned the Synergistic Tricon. They are very fine cables, however, in my system the Cardas Golden Reference is the easiest to listen to, and for me the most enjoyable.
I would have 2nd the Harmonic tech cable. I had one din to rca and when I changed tonearms I almost cut the b--ch to make rca to rca.