Phono preamp for new Klimax LP12

I'm thinking of purchasing a new Klimax LP12.  Down to a Urika II or Luxman EQ-500 for the phono preamp.  Any thoughts/suggestions on which way to go.  Rest of the system is Klimax DSM/Katalyst, Luxman M900u stereo amp, Monitor Audio PL300ii speakers.  I listen to a lot of female vocalists, jazz/blues, classical, mostly mellow stuff.  Room is 17'x17'x8.5'.  Thanks for your suggestions and/or insights!
The Klimax comes with a phono stage. I didn’t get it (the included one) because I already have a Audio Research Reference 3 phono stage. The contemporary LP12 is an outstanding turntable… beautiful, functional, musical and detailed. I traded my VPI for it. Good choice.


The Linn long ago was known to be difficult to set up and this stuck. When setup correctly they have always been great and have been upgraded many times over the years. Over the last couple years, some very significant improvements have been made, making it an outstanding and cost effective table. Certain brands cause some folks to start taking religious stand on equipment. I am alway sorry when religion gets in the way of reality.
Based on your listening preferences and rest of your system, I would go with Luxman EQ-500. It’s a no brainer! 
The latest model Klimax comes with the Urika 11, which is a digital based device. Having heard the Urika's ( both original and new), I would say that a great phono stage would be an easy upgrade over both versions. The Luxman EQ-500 is a very good phono stage, I would take it all day over either Urika. However, here's the thing, the Urika is designed for the table and allows for a 'system' approach. The Radikal is designed to power the Urika, and as such i think the overall cost is less if one opts for the Urika. ( No additional stand alone unit, no cabling etc.)

I asked myself this very same question when I upgraded to the Radikal D, do i want the Urika ( either version) or to go for a different phono stage? To my ears the answer was pretty obvious, but YMMV.
FWIW, I run a Whest phono stage (Sinature three) in my system using a Linn Klimax preamp & it sounds great. Haven't heard the "Urika", but have a lot of respect for Linn products. 
All, thanks for your feedback and input - very helpful.

ghdprentice - where did you find info that the Klimax DSM includes a phono stage? Perhaps the new Organic does, but not the previous version - per everything I’ve read. The Akurate DSM I had prior did include it. Also curious about why you moved from VPI to LP12. The other table I’ve been thinking about is the VPI HW-40.

All in all I’m leaning towards the Luxman. Will get the chance to hear both next week. I’m lucky to have a couple of Linn dealers within driving distance, so set up issues/concerns can be addressed by them.