Phono preamp to amp question

I own a Eastern Electric minimax phono stage. It has no volume control and I plan on using it as my only preamp .I used a Nad c352 with it in the past using the rcas to bypass the preamp in the nad integrated. I will be using this in a 90% vinyl only system Is it possible to use anything other than a integrated amp since I have no other preamp for volume control? I would like to use a tube integrated but is it possible to bypass the built in preamp on a tube integrated and use my eastern electric as the phono stage without having to use or install driver tubes into the integrated amp. Can I bypass the driver tubes on a tube integrated?

Showing 2 responses by maineiac

David, it is still not clear how you plan on controlling the volume if you bypass the integrated amps pre-amp section. My integrated amp has this feature and it is called a home theater bypass and is a line-level input that requires volume control from another pre-amp or else it is always wide-open. I would recommend either getting a pre-amp and compatible power amp or just a good integrated amp and use as originally designed.
If your phono stage doesn't have a volume control and you go directly from that into an amp then the amp will be playing at max output because you don't have anything attenuating the signal coming from your phono.

If you are talking about going from your minimax into an integrated input and then line level out to an amp (hooked to speakers) then you are effectively using the integrated as the pre-amp while not using the integrated amp's drive unit. This can be done but I would not take out the drive tubes unless I confirmed with the manufacturer that it would do no harm. What you need is a pre-amp.