Phono's $2100 to $2600

Dear all I would be interested in hearing your thoughts for a phono upgrade.  What is driving this is that I recently got a Lyra Delos and a Nordost Heimdall phono cable as presents- the sound is simply in another league than before (prior cartidge was Benz low output glider).  So now hooked- all I want to do is spin vinyl all day and all night!

The rig is VPI Aries 1 with upgraded footers, separate flywheel, and synchronose drive- the phono stage is a Trigon Vanguard II and this in turn is hooked into Prima Luna Dialogue premium (using nos 12au7's).  The amps are Pass labs xa60.5 mono's driving Thiel 3.7's.

For a long time I was looking to upgrade the preamp but now I think I will got for the phono 1st and consider a new line preamp later on unless I find a full function preamp to do it all in one shot- obviously I would have to up my budget.

Anyway, assuming I just look at the phono I think I have narrowed my choices to the following with my budget:
1. Zesto Andros (about $2.1k used)
2. Sutherland 20/20 ($2.2k new)
3. Allnic 1202 ($2.6k used)

Potentially I could also look at the PS Audio Stellas phono (the advantage here is that I can trade in my trigon for full retails $500).  And lastly, completely out of left field I have to say I have this urge to try a Sutherland PHD which just sounds like a wonderful phono that made a mark (and would be about $1k or so).

I should also add the Herron that seems to have quite a following but they simply do not show up used so I have put that one aside for the time being.,

I realize I should listen to these in my system but if buying used I can't always do that so I would very much like to get your opinions.   The system sound good but I would like better soundstage depth and texture/detail- but without going overboard on the latter.

I'll offer $2001!! :-)

Tablejockey- you are using a Fosgate right?
I will also look into the modwright and chinook.  On the latter I kind of got the impression that maybe the zesto might be a better choice- that said a chinook popped up at the right price I would seriously consider it.
I had a Chinook and Zesto 1.2 for several months and favored the Zesto by a fair margin. I sold the Chinook.

I now have the Zesto and just received the Allnic H1202 which I’ve been using almost nonstop since it arrived a few days ago.
The Allnic is in a different league than the Zesto IMHO. It’s a fantastic phono, I wasn’t expecting that level of performance given that it’s less expensive than the Zesto.
I’m using a ZYX Ultimate 100 0.24mv and it’s dead quiet on the highest gain setting and sounds fantastic.
 I have an Allnic linestage too so maybe there’s a synergy thing happening.

Anyway, I reviewed the Chinook and Zesto side by side on and I’ll review the Allnic alongside the Zesto in a couple  weeks. The Allnic is awesome, if you can find one within your budget grab it.

If anyone wants a mint Zesto Andros 1.2 then pm me or contact me through


"Tablejockey- you are using a Fosgate right ?"

pgastone-affirmative. They pop up now and then for cheap.This thread peaked my interest when I was shopping. I purchased mine when the V2 was introduced a year of so, later.

I can see why- it sounds like an excellent piece of equipment- I was not familiar with it.  This might indeed be the way to go if a used one popped up.

Btw, I spoke to Sutherland engineering that sell a replacement board for the PHD but using wallwart instead- basically it is a PHD but without using the batteries as Ron Sutherland is now doing with his other phono stages like the Insight, 20/20 etc (in fact the inside looks like the current circuit boards Ron is designing).  The board sells for $750 which seems like a very good price and I may just have one of those mounted in chassis- as I have mentioned earlier I was always intrigued by the PHD.
If it doesn't work out I would think I could sell it without too many issues- I might give this one a wing in the meantime. 

Deep down though I think tubes my suit me better but still, The PHD should be a very interesting experiment considering the mark it has left on the audio community since it was introduced.

I don’t think you will experience buyers remorse with the Sutherland.Super quiet and precise performance, especially high volume when desired.

If you do find a listing for the Foz, they are typically version1. I have the V2, which I rarely see listed? Purportedly a quieter design(very quiet, for an all tube design) Not as quiet as the any of the current, popular models though.

Side note- I used this SS unit before going tube- was several years ago, when they were $700!
Very nice. Never did a side by side comparisons with other SS units like I did with the Foz, but I’m thinking it will duke it out with costlier pieces.Discrete build with transisitors, no op amps, separate power supply.Cool SS phonostage, at the price point.