Phono Stage - Passive Pre- Amp: Results??

Has anyone used a passive pre between their phono stage and amplifier with good results? If so, could you share the specifics regarding hardware? thanx much in advance.
Monolithic Sound phonostage + Channel Islands passive.

Your mileage may vary.

I use a Modwright modded Marchand X9 Deluxe electronic x-over, which makes things even beter. I figured that's the ticket, having the best of both approaches.

I use a Benz Lukaschek PP1 v9 for my Benz Silver Ref MC cartridge, which goes into a specially modded QED passive, which goes into my Eagle 4 amp. No problems, great sound as far as I can hear. Interconnects are Cardas Golden Cross and Ensemble.
I have probably one of the worst scenatios. LP12/Cirkus/Ekos/Lingo with 0.15mV Troika into an Aqvox 2CI MkII phono stage (72db gain) into Reference Line Preeminence 1B, Sonic Frontiers Power 2 1.25V RMS for 110 Watts into Totem Mani-2s 85db/W/m. This is all run balanced. The cartridge has very low output and the speakers have very low sensitivity. But it all works.
I have an Ayre P-5xe running balanced into a Diy Dact balanced attenuator to a Rowland Model 2 with perfect results.