I partially agree.
I say that for a reason, here's an example, it wouldn't make sense to use a $150k turntable on a $1k speaker. Most of us here will make purchases in which all the components are in the same class. But let's say we have the priviledge of owning the best equipment out there, totalling $2 million or so hypothetically speaking. Each link of the audio chain coming from the finest makers. What if we experimented and were to remove one part at a time and replace it with a less regarded piece possibly costing less? When would we percieve the greatest difference? I would say with the speakers, but then it's relative, change the turntable and how big of a difference will be percieved?
I partially agree.
I say that for a reason, here's an example, it wouldn't make sense to use a $150k turntable on a $1k speaker. Most of us here will make purchases in which all the components are in the same class. But let's say we have the priviledge of owning the best equipment out there, totalling $2 million or so hypothetically speaking. Each link of the audio chain coming from the finest makers. What if we experimented and were to remove one part at a time and replace it with a less regarded piece possibly costing less? When would we percieve the greatest difference? I would say with the speakers, but then it's relative, change the turntable and how big of a difference will be percieved?