...while I originally used the Acoustic Revive RLT1 filter on my streamer and then Etherregen, I have now moved it to the Draytek Vigor 2860 router, i.e. right at the entry point of public ADSL. The resultant clean up of soundstage, insteument timbre, attack and decay is simply unbelievable. Very highly recommended.
I will end up moving things around a little when the SmoothLan arrives:
- Acoustic Revive RLI-1GB-Triple C LAN Isolator between router and first network switch
Need to install a 30 feet length of ethernet cable (probably Supra Cat8). Then...
- Pink Faun LAN Isolator from wall ethernet outlet to 2nd network switch
- Stack Audio SmoothLan between 2nd network switch and streamer