Pioneer S-1EX Loudspeaker

As a fan of TAD loudspeakers – but not in the proper tax-bracket – I am curious about Andrew Jones’ design for the Pioneer brand – the Pioneer S-1EX floor stander (which is essentially a baby TAD with the Pioneer logo). Does anyone have any experience with this speaker see here

I can personally vouch for AudioVideoLogic. Of course, you don't have a clue to my credentials. If you would like, you can send me a private message.

Anyway, I have know John Weirs - the owner of AVLogic - for fifteen years now and he has become a personal friend of mine. I have the utmost respect for John. Not only does he have true integrity (he is a straight-shooter and as honest as they come), he also really knows the business. He is as knowledgeable as anyone I have known in the business.

AudioVideoLogic is definitely legit (110-percent legit). They are indeed an authorized dealer for TAD and Pioneer. Andrew Jones will be at AVLogic next month.

I own the Pioneer S-2ex and I simply cannot believe how good they are. I now have them dialed in and they just sound ...well they sound unbelievable for the money. Literally, 90-percent of what the $40,000 TAD CR-1's offer....

Four feet from the side walls, 20" to the back of the speaker from the front wall, raked slightly forward (about 1/8 of a bubble on the level). My room is 16' x 20' with 8' ceilings.

I'm using a combination of absorption and diffusion panels on all walls.
Thanks for your response, unfortunately AVL said they wouldn't be able to sell me 3, only available in pairs. The S7-EX CC won't work for my setup.
John Weirs told me it wasn't necessary to rack them forward. I have my S3's 25inches from the back of the speaker(about 44 inches from the front panel)to the front wall and about 37 inches from the center of the speakers to the side walls. I tried them closer a to the front wall and further away from the side walls but it didn't sound as good. I'm not using any absorption and diffusion panels on the walls but could use some absorption on the sides. 2chnlben, if I were you I'd bring them out a little further, like 3 or 4 inches...just a thought. Enjoy your Pioneers.

The S-2EX's use a different concentric driver array than the 3's. In there case, both John and I agreed that the beryllium-driver based concentric driver combo sounded the sweetest just above axis. We therefore positioned them raked slightly forward. We also toed them out so that they fire well to the sides of the listener. In my room, this is a very good way to set them up. The farther way from the side walls the better. It really opens up the whole sound stage.