Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings

Hi All,

a while back, I posted a question titled “Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?” in this section. However, it didn’t get many responses.

However, perhaps the above simpler title will elicit more responses. Just trying again.

if you’d like more background info, please see the above titled post.

All the best and many thanks.
Thanks again ctsooner. I’ll contact them and see what they can do. Thanks also for your speaker suggestions.
Everybody knows about and buys Magneplanars, and for good reason; they’re great and an excellent value, the best in a planar. EXCEPT for the Eminent Technology LFT-8b, the best speaker value in all of hi-fi. Just ask Harry Weisfeld of VPI, who described the midrange of the LFT-8 as the best he has ever heard, at any price. I wouldn’t go THAT far (the Quad 57’s are still unequalled in that regard), but for $2499/pr they can’t be beat. Add a pair of the Sound Anchor stands for a coupla hundred and you’re all set.
bdp24.  Please take this the right way.  Nothing is the best value or the best, unless the person listening feels it is. To you it is, but to many it's not. I have owned a pair for a short period of time and have heard the latest variant.  It's a great value and a good speaker to my ears too, but I like some others better. I personally don't care about what others think about a component as that's their ears in their system in their home.  That's the caveat about all gear obviously.   

There are many speakers in that price range that are outstanding and loved by many, but it's a great suggestion of course and most often forgotten by many of us.  I too would put that on my short list if I had remembered to.  It's a great option.  Again I hope I said that the right way.  Nothing negative meant.  Thanks.
From my memory: Boehlender-Grabner made ribbon speakers and offered drop-in replacement ribbons for the Carvers.