Playback Designs MPS-5 related question....

What do I do If I just bought a Bryston BCD-1 and whilst being very impressed with it, have just discovered the Playback MPS-5???
Obviously the Playback is in a different league, but do I accept the loss in selling the Bryston and go over budget and get the MPS-5? Or just accept that the Bryston is a fine machine and forget that the Playback ever existed??
A few comments might help my sanity or reasoning...(As I can't discuss this one with the master of the house if you know what I mean)
Hello Audiofun:

I mentioned that " Time to time the company must change hardware and if I need to send my unit to them once per 3-4 years - its fine". However, some companies introduce "next generation" that old unit cannot be upgraded to. Many examples.

On other hand soem companies have policy of "constant" upgrade e.g. Spectron amps, Theta DACs etc

My question was if you believe that PD will go via one mode or another?

Small and may be not highly relevant example is use of UPS port for 176/24 and 192/24 signals will require software and may be minor hardware upgarde. On other hand, if they decide to upgarde their units to Blue Ray and there will be available hi-fi BR discs for us to buy and enjoy music - it would be MAJOR hardware upgrade involving complete change of the VOSR Esoteric transport.

Other manufacturer's should take note of Andreas and Jonathan. There's no one better out there. I can pick up the phone any hour of the day and speak to either of them. Hey have bent over backwards to accommodate my friends and I.
The PD MPS-5 is the best player/DAC that I have ever used... period!
Just remember.... it's easier to ask for forgiveness that to ask for permission!

Great response! Think I might just buy it based on your comments!!


Why would you put a CDP before your relationship with your wife? Once she finds out you made a purchase that large without discussing it will the CDP still have it's luster?
You already have a respectable CDP. If you want to upgrade save a little each month until you have enough to pay for it with cash. By the time you save the money, with her knowledge, I will bet you will move onto something else to spend the funds on.