Playback Designs MPS-5 related question....

What do I do If I just bought a Bryston BCD-1 and whilst being very impressed with it, have just discovered the Playback MPS-5???
Obviously the Playback is in a different league, but do I accept the loss in selling the Bryston and go over budget and get the MPS-5? Or just accept that the Bryston is a fine machine and forget that the Playback ever existed??
A few comments might help my sanity or reasoning...(As I can't discuss this one with the master of the house if you know what I mean)
Other manufacturer's should take note of Andreas and Jonathan. There's no one better out there. I can pick up the phone any hour of the day and speak to either of them. Hey have bent over backwards to accommodate my friends and I.
The PD MPS-5 is the best player/DAC that I have ever used... period!
Just remember.... it's easier to ask for forgiveness that to ask for permission!

Great response! Think I might just buy it based on your comments!!


Why would you put a CDP before your relationship with your wife? Once she finds out you made a purchase that large without discussing it will the CDP still have it's luster?
You already have a respectable CDP. If you want to upgrade save a little each month until you have enough to pay for it with cash. By the time you save the money, with her knowledge, I will bet you will move onto something else to spend the funds on.